Quor Tarai

Dal Quor has a deep and fundamental link to Eberron, and the spirits of mortals travel to the Region of Dreams when they sleep. Dal Quor is a mutable realm, and the fringes of the plane are shaped by the minds of the mortal dreamers. The center of the realm is shaped by a force more powerful than any mortal mind. This force is vast and alien, and even its children—the quori—cannot communicate with it directly. The heart of Dal Quor is shaped in the image of this unseen dreamer, and its essence permeates all things. The quori call this force Quor Tarai, “the Dream of the Age.” There are multiple quori castes, with the tsucora described in the EBERRON Campaign Setting being just one example, but all quori are aspects of the Quor Tarai. The quori are immortal. They do not reproduce, but they can be killed; the total population always remains the same, however. When a quori spirit is destroyed, a new spirit eventually appears fully formed in the heart of the realm. This spirit is generally of the same caste as the spirit that was slain, but it does not possess the memories or personality of its predecessor. So it would be impossible for an adventurer to kill all of the tsucora; there will always be more. But a hero could at least eradicate a particularly hateful quori personality. While the Quor Tarai is a force with the power to match any god, it is not immortal. Quori sages have reached the conclusion that the current age is the third incarnation of the Quor Tarai—and that, eventually, the current Quor Tarai will pass away. When this occurs, the realm will implode, only to explode outward with the birth of the next Quor Tarai. This cataclysmic event will destroy all of the quori. The sages speculate that the spiritual energy that is the essence of the quori will remain and that a new host of spirits will be formed from this force, but no one can say what those spirits will be like, and in any case the personalities of the living quori will be destroyed.
Dimensional, Pocket


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