Synchin Ithlien

The Last Heir of House Ithlien

Most of what Synchin knew about his family was that it consisted of himself and his Father.   Hundreds of years before he was born, most of his House perished in the increasingly brutal politics that have marked the Capital in recent history. Ren Ithlien and his wife, Metheria Dosmon, decided to flee the capital... with nothing but their wits, what meager belongings they were able to bring with them, and an Imperial Charter that named Ren Ithlien the new Duke of Aetheril. It was the highest ranking and most important position in the least of the Provinces, for in that time Dalmatia was little more than a backwater that held little of importance. Even the Wall, once a ediface of importance and Pride to all Arnoria, was little more than a relic of times and largely thought irrelevant given that Motlund was but another Province in the Empire.   Synchin often wished he could have known these versions of his parents. Young, energetic, eager to make their marks upon the world. He has heard some stories about the things that his parents accomplished, about the ways that they took what had been a token gesture from a soon deposed Emperor and turned it into a sinecure of no little importance in a part of the world that only grow in importance. He's heard war stories about his Father's battles during the formation of Cath'arak, about the Heroic Death's of his Brothers during those tumultous time, but all of it seems so very... distant.. to him.   The Duke's son never knew his Father as the Hero of the Wall, however, he only knew the man that Ren Ithlien had become after his Mother died 11 years after his birth.

Who Is Synchin Ithlien?

Barely remembering his Mother, and forced to cover for the indolence of his Father, Synchin none the less lived up to all of the expectations that held for himself and that were put before him by his tutors. He was a fierce warrior, with "his mother's kind heart," and shared a connection to the Goddess Asha that had long since become rare amongst even the Imperial Houses of Arnoria.   Most of his efforts were spent attempting to shore up Dalmatia's defenses and deal with the various threats that faced her, while maintaining the alliances that his Father had first built up and then allowed to atrophy. He always hoped that, eventually, some spark would catch and he would see the Father had almost been denied him. When the Lady Emien first came to court, and his Father first began to gain some level of excitement with regard to his Grande Tournament  hoping that would spark some renewal in his Father and bring the Family back from the brink. Alas, that entire endeavor turned into a disaster, fomenting first the end of an Empire that had already in truth collapsed and then the re-imagining of Dalmatia itself away from the legacy of his House.   Synchin, now Duke Aetheril after the Death of his Father at The Siege of Broden  , mulled over his place in the world. He was a Duke, this was true, but suggesting that he held the same position that his Father had not just claimed but created was laughable. The Humans had taken over Dalmatia and he could not even bring himself to doubt the justice of it. His Father had, ultimately, failed them. The Empire had failed them. What place was there for him there?   He was tempted to stay regardless of all of these thoughts, to guide and shepherd his home even as it erased the very legacy that his Father had built (and then abandoned). In the end, it was the very same legacy of his Father-- of his Mother, whom he had barely known- that led him to take another route. He left Dalmatia then, the only home he had ever known, drawn to follow the footsteps of the "Heroes" who had already changed the world so much.
Year of Birth
2949 AC 62 Years old

Cover image: Colloseum B&W too by
Character Portrait image: Half-Elf Paladin by Yorsy Hernández


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