The Ranger and the Demon Prince

After one of the bloodiest battles of the War of the Clans, an Elven Ranger spots Docyen overlooking the battlefield and something just snaps in her. She draws an arrow, takes aim, and attempts to kill her Kha-Khan in violation of every vow and oath she has ever taken.   Her arrow strikes true, connecting, and she sees Docyen go down in a spray of blood. Some of the other survivors ALSO see this, horror tinged with relief in their eyes, and she relaxes as she prepares to relent to the punishment that will surely fall upon her for betraying her vows.   That surety, however, is interrupted by screaming. She turns, looking up, only to see Docyen laughing as he picks himself back up. Even before she can draw another arrow, another Elf is rushing toward the Kha-Khan to finish what she started, but he is struck down before his blow can connect.   Suddenly, her Kha-Khan is nine foot tall.   Suddenly, his skin is like unto the color of smokey dark amethyst, rather than Elven pale and the sword in his hand in wavering and sinuous in his hands. Docyen himself was... handsome.. but this being takes that to a whole other level that is only accenuated by the blood adorning his form.   Someone else yells it before she does, "He is not an Elf at all!"   Followed swiftly by another, who simply adds, "Demon."   "Prince... Demon Prince..." Docyen says, laughing, even as he slaughters everyone. The Ranger, she unleashes arrow after arrow, attempting to bring low this dark corruptor with the aid of the survivors of the battle. The "Demon Prince," though, does not seem slowed. He casually slaughters the Elves arrayed against him, effortlessly, until she is the only one left upon the field. Slowly, casually, he approaches her-- swatting arrows out of the way as she approaches,- "Heh. I like you. You... get to live.. I was getting bored of this little game anyway. It was too easy."   "Who are you?"   "Ah, excuse me. We have not been introduced! You may call me... Graz'zt.."   Then, darkness over took her, and when she woke night had fallen and all that she could hear was the crowing of ravens. Four different clans had fought here, over three hundred Elves joined in battle for the sake of a... of a demon..! And, of them all, she was the only survivor.

Cover image: Colloseum B&W too by


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