Bearwod Material in Coreth (new) | World Anvil
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Bearwod is a strong hard wood that can primarily be found in the Great woods. It has a distinctive appearance, being the same colour as a black bears fur, and also the same consistency of fur at the very core of the wood. This inside part is used to make blankets and coats. The tree has purplish leaves that fall regularly throughout the year, but seemingly regrowing them the next day. It is one of the the only trees that still has leaves throughout Calamitus season.   The Woodklan peoples do tend to use bearwod for their blankets and building, but none of their houses are ever built upon Bearwod trees. This is believed to be because they think Bearwod trees attract vicious bears. The Bearwod Trees can be found in small groups all throughout the forests of Coreth. It can also easily be regrown, as its purplish leaves contain seeds within them.    This item is commonly sold in the lumber market, but if one has an axe, they could find a tree of it in any nearby forests. This causes it to not be that valuable. This tree was first discovered by Monty Bearman, one of the helper muto during the creation of Coreth. He came across it one day while wandering about the great woods. He named it the Bearwod tree because of the bark's colour and the texture of fur within the core of the tree.    Bearwod coats made from the fur within the tree are quite popular among travellers, nomad clans and hunting parties, as they somewhat represent the forest as they come from the hearts of trees. The wood, like any other wood, is used for firewood and construction. It is especially strudy. The seeds do not have any other use that to replant bearwod trees, and the bark is only ever used decoratively, or it is thrown away.
A Bearwod tree's height varies usually between ten foot and twenty foot when fully grown. It usually takes one about 12 Muyong(years) to fully mature.
Tale of the Bearwodden Bear.   There is a story shared among travellers of the forest of a bear that can disguise itself as a tree not unlike the Bearwod tree in appearance. It has been named the Bearwodden bear. It is said that it will hide as a tree, and when someone or something passes by, it will pounce on them with its great claws, seemingly appearing from the bark. This has scared some lumbermen away from Bearwod trees, though brave lumberman believe it to merely be a myth.

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