Admech Alternate Racial Traits

Self Repair Algorithms: Gain the following as spell-like abilities. Replaces Master Tinkerer.  
  • 1/day: Cast Make Whole
  • 3/Day: Mending(Affects Constructs)
  Some Admech are created with innate capabilities that let them repair themselves and others, and where their fellows are highly skilled with crafting and tinkering, they instead serve the roles of makeshift repairbots, mending themselves, their injured comrades, or other objects with these powerful Algorithms that let them flawlessly repair objects.
Swarming: Admech are used to living and fighting communally with other members of their race. Up to two members of this race can share the same square at the same time. If two members of this race that are occupying the same square attack the same foe, they are considered to be flanking that foe as if they were in two opposite squares. Replaces Clockwork Databanks.   Owing to their original purpose as guardians and watchmen, the Admech are a race that are highly used to fighting as a single, cohesive unit...more so than any other race. Some among them retain this pack mentality even after awakening, and become highly effective at hunting in packs alongside their fellows.
Weapon Familiarity: Gain proficiency with all Early Two Handed Firearms, and treat any weapon with ‘Admech’ in its name as a martial weapon. Replaces Damage Reduction and Curiosity.   The Admech, in their heyday, were guardians given free reign to maintain a silent, dedicated vigil over the High Human cities...and some among them were given advanced weapon training to utilize firearms to better defend their masters. Since then, they have used this training to defend their home of Vulcanus quite effectively...and they have become highly skilled in the use of their signature ‘Admech Rifle’, a clockwork creation of their own design.
Electrum-Laced Dynamo Core: Whenever you take electricity damage, you can store up to (1 dice per 2 HD), which you may discharge anytime on your turn as a swift action into either any metal melee weapon, or in a burst around you, dealing half of such damage to all enemies with 10ft of you. Either way, all stored dice are expended. Replaces Clockwork Databanks.   Highly vulnerable to electricity due to the thousand of tiny gears, dynamos, and programming cores that all are powered by electricity to stay operational, the Admech are a race that traditional avoids electricity in most forms. However, some among them have been upgraded with Electrum pathways throughout their bodies...and while this does not hinder the flow of electricity or stop it from harming them, it allows these special Admech to store up and discharge electricity through these Electrum pathways to damage their enemies.
Gear-shaman: Ability scores replaced by (+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma). Modifies Ability Scores.   Now that they have begun to form their own culture and come into their own as a species, some Admech seem to have taken the role of spiritual guide to their people and bear the title ‘Gear-shaman’. Clad in ragged, torn robes and carrying mechanical staves, they preach harmony amongst machines and spread the word of the lord of the Admech, a being they refer to as the ‘Founding Gear’. Preaching a faith of unity, self-discovery, and free-will, these shamans are more wise than their follows, yet their odd, eccentric ways are off-putting to others who are not familiar with them nor their strange religion.
All-Terrain Chassis: No longer hindered by difficulty terrain, and you gain a climb and swim speed equal to your base land speed. Modifies Movement and Replaces Vocal Synthesizer.   Some Admech have their bodies upgraded with the capability to travel seamlessly through all terrain...and with these upgrades, they are as capable walking up walls as they are striding unharmed through the salty waters of the ocean.
Espionage Protocols: Gain the ability to record nearby sound as a swift action, archiving all sound within a 20 foot spread onto a small gemstone worth 50gp somewhere on your body. You can record up to 1 hour of sound per HD you possess. Starting and stopping playback of recorded sound is a swift action. Removing or installing a new gemstone requires a DC 25 check as a full-round action to all others attempting the task, but to you it is simply a full-round action. When others fail to make the check it does not damage the gemstone, but simply erases the sound stored on it. Replaces Vocal Synthesizer.   A new set of instructions and programming that has been developed by emerging Admech in response to the loud, disorganized, often dangerous nature of the surface world, the Espionage Protocols are a set of instructions given to select Admechs to better assist their people with gathering information on the world above. Acting as the eyes and ears of the Admech people, these Admech wander about the surface world, storing and cataloging all they encounter...they also, rarely, take on jobs as spies and intelligence operatives.
Mana-Wrought: Gain spell resistance equal to (10+ HD). Additionally, you gain a racial +2 to all Knowledge(Arcana) and Spellcraft checks, and one is always a class skill for you. Replaces Damage Reduction.   Though rare, and thought to be a byproduct of the ruined nature of their home city of Vulkanus, some Admech possess bodies hardened by magic and mana rather than metal forging. Losing their durability against physical attack, they instead pulse with the same blue veins of mana as their city does, and have innate protection against magic.
Standby Mode: Gain the ability to enter a standby mode as a standard action. While on standby, you cannot move or take any actions. You remain aware of your surroundings but take a -4 penalty on perception checks, and you gain a +10 bonus to stealth checks while in standby mode. You may exit standby mode as a swift action, and if you do so to initiate combat, you gain a racial +4 bonus on your initiative check. Additionally, you gain an overall racial +2 to stealth and perception checks that stacks with your standby mode bonuses/penalties and all others. Replaces Clockwork Databanks   A set of instructions leftover from their time as simple watchdogs and sentinels, some Admech retain the ability to enter a ‘Standby Mode’ and go dormant, their forms indistinguishable from normal statues until they decide to strike.
Archaic Naturemech: All plants within a 1-mile radius of the creature grow at double their normal rate and don’t suffer from any diseases or maladies. Allied plant creatures within 30 feet of the creature gain fast healing 2. If the creature uses plant shape or wild shape to take the form of a plant, it gains this fast healing in plant form. Gain a racial +4 on Knowledge(Nature) checks, it is always a class skill for you, and begin play speaking Sylvan as well as Modulo. Replaces Master Tinkerer.   A model of Admech none can claim to know of, the Naturemechs are Admech who are found rusting inside the forests and timberlands of Ea, moss and leaves growing from their frames until one day, they shamble back to sentience. Said to be at one with nature so much so that plants and leaves grow more and are healthier in their presence, these Admech do not trace their roots to Vulcanus, and instead lead lives of peace and solitude within nature, often protecting the forests in which they awakened.
Cartridge Dispenser: Once a day, you may dispense a number of ‘Clockwork Cartridges’ equal to your HD(Minimum 1). They can only be used by you and no one else, regardless of firearms. Replaces Vocal Synthesizer OR Master Tinkerer.   Some Admech have modified their bodies to dispense the special ammunition fired by their specialized Admech Rifles, their bodies able to convert a number of spare parts each day into ammunition.
Steam-Powered: Whenever you take damage(After DR and other reductions), you automatically deal 1d6 points of fire damage to either the creature who attacked you or another hostile creature within 10ft if the attacker is not close enough. This is a blast of superheated steam, and works even underwater. Replaces Gnashing Gears.   Their bodies powered buy gouts of steam and jets of superheated fire, these Admech usually release the pressure that builds up in their bodies through occasionally jets of steam from various points on their bodies, but when attacked and they take damage, even the smallest crack in their hard bodies can lead to a pressurized jet of superheated steam.
Hydraulic Admech: Gain a racial +6 on all strength checks made to break objects. Your unarmed attacks deal damage as if they were one size category higher. Replaces Gnashing Gears.   Their bodies driven by hydraulic jackhammers and pneumatic pistons, these advanced Admech are strange things, but wield immense power as the hydraulic jackhammers in their arms allow them to strike with much more force than they would normally be capable of, both for breaking objects and attacking others.
Power Armor Mech: You can store 1 creature of your size inside of your metallic body. Hiding a creature inside of you this way does not hinder you in any way, and the creature inside gains a +20 to any stealth checks made to hide while inside of you. They cannot leave you without your permission unless they succeed at either a grapple check or an escape artist check(DC equal to your CMD), and while inside of you they cannot attack, though they may cast spells and take mental actions at the GM's discretion. If you fall unconscious while they are inside of you or if you allow them to, they may move you around and fight as they normally would, gaining a +6 armor bonus to their AC, losing 15ft to all movement speeds, and taking a -4 on all reflex saves, and arcane spellcasters gain a flat 75% spell failure chance while inside of you. They also gain your DR, SR, and resistances while within you.   So long as you are conscious, a creature inside of you cannot move you without your permission and cannot gain the armor bonus or fight inside of you against your will. You can alternatively store up to 4 creatures one size smaller than you inside of yourself, but they can only gain the above bonuses(excluding the stealth bonus, which any creature inside of you gets) so long as all four are inside and working in tandem. Creatures inside of you cannot fly unless their flight is a magical, non-natural effect. You cannot fight or take actions, even mental ones, while allowing another creature to control you.   Replaces Gnashing Gears and DR10/Adamantine.   Built with hollow interiors as part of an experimental yet ultimately abandoned High Human project to create sentient Powered Armor, these rare and highly valuable Admech are capable of storing their allies and other creatures inside of themselves to hide them...or, alternatively, fight inside of them...though at the cost of much thinner armor plating and almost no internal gears to speak of.


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