Admech Racial Feats

Automated Repair Module:   Prerequisites: Admech race, ‘Self Repair Algorithms’ alternate racial trait, Character level 6th   Effects: Gain Regeneration 4 negated by electricity   Among the Admech who are created with the innate capability to repair themselves and others, some take this ability to even greater heights and unlock hidden facets of their programming, their bodies repairing themselves endlessly with thousands of tiny micro-servitors.
Levitation Chassis:   Prerequisites: Admech race, ‘All-Terrain Chassis’ alternate racial trait, Character level 5th   Effects: Gain a fly speed equal to your base land speed.   A rare upgrade found among the Admech built for All-terrain movement, the Levitation chassis allows the Admech who use it to fly through the sky as easily as walking on land, their forms lifted aloft by several magically powered flight engines.
Adaptive Dynamo Core:   Prerequisites: Admech Race, Character level 4th   Effects: No longer at risk of becoming dazed when taking electricity damage.   Though yet a new race in the earliest possible stages of its infancy, the Admech are already striving towards self-improvement. To this end, some of their mechanics have found ways to mitigate overload due to electricity damage.
Infiltration Unit:   Prerequisites: Admech Race, ‘Espionage Protocols’ and ‘Standby Mode’ alternate racial traits   Effects: When in standby mode, you become the target of an Invisibility effect, which ends immediately upon exiting standby mode. You may also now record visuals as well as sound with the ‘Espionage Protocols’ alternate racial trait, with the same limitations as recording sound, though you now simply store up to one hour of Audiovisual data, instead of just sound.   A new production model of Admech now that they have begun to migrate out from their home of Vulcanus far underground, the Infiltration units combine the reconnaissance powers of their Espionage Protocols and the stealth abilities of Standby Mode to create truly fearsome spies. Capable of vanishing to all but the most trained of eyes, these Admech are highly skilled infiltrators and spies, and are sent out by their fellows to be their ultimate eyes and ears of those above.
Advanced Swarming:   Prerequisites: Admech Race, ‘Swarming’ alternate racial trait   Effects: You may use ‘Swarming’ with up to four members of the same race, not just two. When doing so and attacking the same foe, they suffer a -4 instead of a -2 due to flanking.   While some among them are already used to fighting as one, some Admech take this innate understanding a bit further and learn how to maximize their swarming capabilities.
Shifter Cored Admech:   Prerequisites: Admech Race, Character level 5th   Effects: Whenever you are the subject of any effect that attempts to discern your type or subtype, you automatically know of such an attempt, and learn the name and type of the creature that used the effect. Additionally, you may choose any type or subtype to be returned by this effect.   Among the many mysteries of their Dynamo-drive computation cores, few are a greater oddity than the few Admech who are given this strange upgrade, which allows them to shift their very nature and disguise themselves as creatures of a different type than themselves. Odd and powerful, the Shifter Cored Admech, as they are called, as treasured by their fellows as ones capable of going up to the surface world unhindered for their nature as constructs.
Ocular Enhancement Package:   Prerequisites: Admech Race, Character level 4th   Effects: Gain the ‘Lifesense’ universal monster rule.   Yet another of the Admech’s notoriously strange yet highly effective enhancements, the Ocular Enhancement Package upgrades the mechanical eyes of the Admech to function even better, and allows them to see living creatures at but a glance.
Admech Grappler:   Prerequisites: Admech Race, Character level 3rd   Effects: Gain +2 on all checks made to start or maintain a grapple. Additionally, each time you make a successful grapple check against a foe, you do 1d10 additional slashing damage as gears from your body emerge to grind against the grappled target.   Thanks to their powerful metal hands that they are able to lock into place, some Admech find themselves highly potent grapplers, able to latch onto the wrists of their target to keep them from leaving as countless metal gears emerge from their bodies to shred their target asunder.
Admech Mechanic:   Prerequisites: Admech Race, ‘Master Tinkerer’ racial trait, Character level 5th   Effects: As a standard action that does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity, you may repair either yourself or an adjacent clockwork creature, healing them for 1d8 damage. At 10th and 15th level, this die goes up by 1d8.   The second strata of the infant society of the Admech, the Mechanics take on the roll of doctors and surgeons, their deft metallic digits capable of repairing themselves and others as clerics of living races do. Rarely straying from Vulcanus, these capable Admech sometimes teach their craft to their fellows so as to better spread their knowledge, and in this way does the nature of the Admech Mechanic sometime find its way to the surface world, which lets these rare few easily find jobs as craftsmen and repairmen.
Ocular Perfection Package:   Prerequisites: Admech race, ‘Ocular Enhancement Package’ racial feat, Character level 16th   Effect: Gain the effects of ‘True Seeing’ permanently.   The ultimate upgrade Admech strive for in terms of sight, the Ocular perfection package allows the Admech bestowed with this gift to see the world as it truly is, peering past any magical effects, disguises, and seeing things as they are, not as they appear to be. Such a gift is incredibly rare and highly treasured, and the Admech that receive it are a rare breed, and ones that are feared by the surface worlders that encounter very, very few things can hide from one such Admech.


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