
The People of the Ancient High Human Lands

The ancient Aurelians were a tall, sculpted, and broad-shouldered people that hailed from the ancient High Human Aurelian Empire, with sharp jawlines and chiseled features that gave them an appearance not dissimilar to beautiful marble statues. They had a tendency towards short and wavy hair, their skin could range from snow white to dark obsidian, and their eyes most commonly were either Blue, Yellow/Gold, or Violet in coloration. Aurelians have long since been thought lost to history after the Fall of High Humanity in which their ancient empire of floating cities came crashing down to the ground...and though they were thought extinct as the scattered survivors of their terribly tragedy eventually merged with the Draconian and Kitsin peoples, there are still a small number of them that retain their cultural identity either through well-kept cultural traditions or from ancient humans waking up from eons-long stasis and returning to the current era confused and unsure of themselves or where they are.   Ancient Aurelians were an orderly folk, with a reputation for being so sure of themselves that they often thought that their culture and civilization was the center of all life in the world...they preferred having a clearly defined and well known set of laws that governed their lives and society, and this love of order reflected in everything they did and made. Their armies were strictly structured into clearly defined units, and their cities were mathematically laid out to provide the most accessible and quick travel for those who lived there. They were renowned as excellent scholars with a strong penchant for logic and critical thinking, often decried organized religion in favor of simple hard labor and doing things themselves rather than praying for it, and were generally averse to nomadic lifestyles; when they found a place they enjoyed, they would settle and build up their home for generations, often not pleased until it was a glorious and splendid village built upon generations of hard work. They treasured family greatly, as they did one's legacy and familial history, and placed great cultural significance on lineage and bloodlines...often, one's family and ancestors would define who they are and all that they should live up to during their lives. As such, they often held a great disdain and intolerance for those who stepped outside the cultural norm, or who shirked their family name or lineage.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Adriana, Beatrix, Aurora, Cadria, Cille, Digna, Flavia, etc.

Masculine names

Caius, Andronikus, Gaius, Weissman, Julius, Augustus, Ruckus, Haxtus, Agrippa, etc.

Family names

Patricius, Euphemius, Sarimarcus, Donicus, Melus, Agricola, Aetius, Catulus, etc.
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