Dai-Yukai Kraken Grips

The hand-wraps used by giants to crush their foes

Aura: Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Slot: Hands; Price: 5,000 gp; Weight: 5 lbs.   Description   These thick, studded gloves are adorned with kraken imagery and designs, with loose strips of cloth hanging from the gloves made to look like dangling tentacles.   The stray cloth strips spring to life during grapples, and grant an additional +5 to all CMB checks made to grapple, maintain a grapple, or to pin opponents that are smaller than the wearer. Maintaining grapples on creatures smaller than the wearer takes one step of action less than normal.   Construction Requirements   Feats: Craft Wondrous Item Spells: Reduce Person; Cost: 2,500 gp.


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