Desert Elf Racial Feats

Sandwraith Training:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, 'Legacy of Martial Might' alternate racial trait, Character level 4th   Effects: Everytime you enter combat, you are the target of an obscuring mist effect. This effect is mostly identical to the spell, but instead of mist a cloud of sand ripples out from you. This effect follows your movement for 1 round upon the start of combat, after which it remains stationary. You may choose to willingly hold this power back on the start of combat.   The Sand Elves that carry remnants of their former military might are rare indeed, but it has been said they sometimes learn to harness something greater within them, something that lurks within that very legacy. Often taken as recruits into the infamous Desert Elven group that is known only as ‘The Sandwraith Company’ serves as the only Desert Elven fighting force left in the world, sometimes taking on mercenary contracts and jobs but always defending the desert and their kin, these Desert Elves are surrounded by a sandstorm each time they begin combat.
Sandwraith Reaper:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, 'Sandwraith Training' racial feat, Character level 7th   Effects: When you have any means of concealment(Or a miss chance of at least 20%), all attacks you make ignore any concealment/miss chance below 50%(Total Concealment). In addition, within the radius of the Obscuring mist effect from the ‘Sandwraith Training’ racial feat, your vision is not hindered and operates as normal.   Within the strong, powerful group known as ‘The Sandwraith Company’, there are those who hold the rank of ‘Reaper’...having honed their bodies to the limit and trained their minds to acclimate to all but the most intense of sandstorms, these Reapers stride through the storms that come forth from their bodies in combat to strike with impunity, often before the enemy knows they’re there.
Sandwraith Strider:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, 'Sandwraith Training' racial feat, Character level 7th   Effects: On any round in which you have any means of concealment(Or a miss chance of at least 20%), all forms of movement you possess double until the next round, and enemies cannot make attacks of opportunity at you for attacking or entering their threatened square. In addition, within the radius of the Obscuring mist effect from the ‘Sandwraith Training’ racial feat, your vision is not hindered and operates as normal.   Within the strong, powerful group known as ‘The Sandwraith Company’, there are those who hold the rank of ‘Strider’...and unlike their Reaper brothers, these Elves within the Company train for hours, days, and even months to become as nimble as the wind even within the bleakest of storms...they use such power and training to dart around the battlefield with absolute impunity, using the cover of the storm and their sight which is incapable of being hindered, they dance a beautiful dance of death around their foes, killing them before they realize where they are.
Sandlotus Lodgemate:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, 'Free Spirits, to the End' or 'Unfettered By Catastrophe' alternate racial trait, Character level 4th   Effects: You gain an innate sense for identify when people are bound, restricted, enslaved or under a similar effect against their will. Within 60ft of you, you may, as a full round action, study a being and determine whether it is under an effect that would impede it’s movement or is being dominated/enslaved/influenced.   The counterpart to the infamously cruel lodge of Elven Slavers known as the “Four-Clover Lodge’, the Sandlotus lodge is a collection of free, unfettered Desert Elves dedicated to preserving free will and freedom around the world...and those who join their group as lodgemates are taught to hone their sight and their desire for freedom to learn how to sense when another is under an effect that is keeping them bound or enslaved...
Sandlotus Freedom Fighter:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, 'Sandlotus Lodgemate' racial feat, Cannot have ‘Sandlotus Unseen Watcher’ racial feat, Character level 7th   Effects: 3/day, when you identify a person who is under the effects of an effect described in ‘Sandlotus Lodgemate’, upon making physical contact with them, you may break all such effects as if that person was the target of both a Dispel Magic and Freedom of Movement effect if such an effect was forced upon them in some way. A subject who willingly accepted a Dominate Monster effect will not have such an effect broken.   Supernatural warriors of justice and freedom, the Freedom Fighters in the Sandlotus lodge are the Lodgemates who go forth once the other Lodgemates find them a target, using their innate powers and gifts honed in their time at the Lodge to thwart the efforts of Slavers, villains, and other such beings that enjoy binding and enslaving others against their will. They are the first and best line of defense against the evils of the Four Clover Lodge, who are hesitant to enslave other elves.
Sandlotus Unseen Watcher:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, 'Sandlotus Lodgemate' racial feat, Character level 7th   Effects: The range of the ‘Sandlotus Lodgemate’ racial feat is doubled to 120ft. In addition, once you identify a person who meets the criteria described with it, against the creature that was the source of that effect you are treated as if being under both Nondetection and Invisibility effects for 24 hours.   If the Freedom fighters were the swords and arms of the Lodge, the Unseen Watchers are the senses of it. Capable of picking out targets for their Freedom Fighting lodgemates to free later from twice the distance of other lodgemates, they are also, crucially, capable of rendering themselves invisible to the being who enslaved or bound their target to begin with. They spread out, unseen, through the continent to form a vast net of informants marking who enslaves who, how often they do it, which people need to be freed...nothing escapes their sight.
Miragemelder:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, Character level 6th   Effects: You cast all Illusion spells at +2 caster level, and at a +2 high DC to disbelieve them.   Special: Once per day, you may choose one square that you have visual line of sight to, and swap the appearance of that square with your own(Making you seem to be somewhere else, etc.). Doing so is a standard action, and any creature must make a save to disbelieve it as normal(DC 10 + 1/2 your level + INTMOD)   Among the reclusive Desert Elves, one can find the odd, reclusive ones who are dubbed ‘Miragemelder’ by their kin, for, as the shifting sands of the desert runs within their bodies, they are innately capable of harnessing the illusory properties of the desert they call home. Capable of manipulating light and creating very believable illusions, they can even make one location look like another, for a time...
Boundless Optimism:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, Character level 4th   Effects: So long as you are within 150 feet of members of your race or allies, All magical effects that possess the emotion descriptor must reroll twice and take the lower result to determine whether they affect you. If you must make such a roll, you roll twice and take the higher.   Though it comes as surprise to others who know of their race, some Desert Elves are veritable wellsprings of positivity, never letting anything or anyone get them or their spirits down. To them, they smile, laugh, and smile some more, as that indelible spark of emotion is precisely what defines them, what sets them apart and what drives them to greater heights. So long as they stand near allies or kin, they are as unflappable as stone.
El'Adri Chronicler:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, 'Sand Elven Magic' alternate racial trait, 8 ranks in any Knowledge Skill   Effects: You can always choose to take 10 on any of his Knowledge checks, even if you are in immediate danger or distracted. At the beginning of each day, you may reallocate a number of skill ranks equal to your HD. Additionally, you gain the ability to, by focusing on any non magical item for an hour or a magical one for two, learn the rough market value of it on average, some history of the item itself and what powers it may have(if any), and some information on the previous owner. If the item has had multiple owners in the past, you gain information about them at random, but are more likely to get more recent owners.   The city of El’Adri, long said to be the home city of the high elves and now thought lost among the planes, sometimes resurfaces in odd ways. The Fellspires, the Feywilds, sometimes simple chance...though the ways it happens are unknown and varied, there is the rare Desert Elf who stumbles into the dead city, finding themselves amongst the ruins of its once mighty, sprawling Librariums. Though what transpires there is unknown, when they return they are forever changed. Touched by the wisdom of El’Adri, these Elves become fonts of knowledge, capable of adjusting their own skill set each day as if drawing upon different stores of memories themselves. At the mere touch, they are capable of establishing the history of an item they touch, reading its history and owners to glean more information about it.
Our Destiny Lies beyond the Horizon:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, Character level 10th   Effects: Your type becomes outsider and you gain the native subtype. Your movement speed increases by 10ft, and you are treated as if you had the Light Steps ninja ability.   Special: You become aware of one location on the material plane that serves as a natural portal to one of the outer realms.   To some Desert Elves, after the events and tragedies their race has experienced, they find themselves being tugged inexorably into the realms beyond the material, to greater and higher places to seek their fortunes, destiny, and even find a new home. To them, the Material Plane has offered them all it can, and it has become long overdue for their kind to seek a new home elsewhere...some, however, return to the Material Plane, outsiders by nature, and carrying knowledge of the plane they’ve come to call home in their journeys to find their destiny, just beyond the horizon.
Lifeshaper:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, 'Blessing of the World Tree' alternate racial trait, Character level 6th   Effects: You gain a racial +4 to heal checks, and it is always a class skill for you. You may bestow the effects of Goodberry and Speak With Animals/Plants to any creature you touch, but they can only be affected thusly once in a 24 hour period.   Special: Everytime you cast a spell, power, or similar effect that heals a variable number of hit points on a target, roll a d100. On an 85+, it is affected by the Empower metamagic effect. If it is 95+, it is affected by Maximize instead. These do not affect casting time nor spell level, but cannot be added in conjunction with other Metamagics.   The Lifeshapers are the Sand Elves who serve as the conduits to the natural world, using their innate connection to their World Tree home even now, wherever it may be, they spread their gifts as far and as wide as they can. Capable of bestowing sustenance and healing to others at but a touch, they continue to serve as wise, healing beacons of light amidst the desert darkness, healing others with both magic and their medical skill in an effort to show them a better life, and to show them hope.
Servant of the One True King:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, Divine Spellcasting or 'Deific Obedience' feat(Choosing Nour as deity), Character level 7th   Effects: Your blood is always treated as being Holy water. If you do not possess blood, pure liquid holy water instead pumps through you. You may choose to take 1d4 unavoidable slashing damage, self-inflicted, to fill two vials with your blood, which become two vials of holy water. By taking 1 point of CON damage, you may raise the damage die of holy water created in this way by one step. By taking 1d4 CON damage, you can create two potions of cure light wounds.You cannot bring yourself below 1 CON this way, but you can bring yourself below 0 HP. If you lack a CON score, you instead take CHA damage. If you are undead, you produce unholy water instead.   Special: If you are reduced to 0HP or 1 CON at any time by any means that are not self-inflicted, all land within a 15 foot burst of you becomes consecrated for 24 hours.   Special: If you gain the ‘Sarcophagus Knight’ template after taking this feat, you are capable of producing both holy and unholy water, decided at the time you wish to produce it.   While their faith and devotion has been tested time and again, all the more so in the current era, the Sand Elves remain devout followers of the Minor god Nour on the whole. To them, he is their one and only king, their future and past king, and all that they strive to speak nothing of the legends that he is, in fact, the patron saint of their species. They love and worship him, and those who truly embody such devotion and become capable of divine casting in his name or instead take rigorous vows and prayers to him to prove their obedience are granted the amazing power of holy water. Their blood transmuted into the miraculous liquid, they use their gifts to spread Nour’s word all over the world.
Mummification Ritual:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, Must not be undead, Must not have the 'Our Destiny lies beyond the Horizon' racial feat, Character level 5th   Effects: You no longer need to eat, breathe, or sleep, and are treated as being an undead creature for the purposes of positive and negative energy. You gain a frightful presence aura out to 30ft with a duration of 1d6 rounds.   Special: Once per day as a swift action, you may act as if you were affected by the Haste spell for one round.   Though many have forgotten, it was the ancient Sand Elves who first began the use of Mummification, in the act of embalming and respecting their dead, they ensured Nour would accept them into his eternal sanctum in the afterlife. However, some Desert Elves strive to walk the path of mummification far before their death, embalming themselves and turning themselves into undead husks, into walking monuments to Nour’s glory and grace. Capable of terrifying others with their mere presence, they are also capable of giving themselves a boost of speed. Though nothing but conjecture, some claim they do so to serve a higher purpose.
Apocryphal Rebirth:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, 'Servant of the One True King' racial feat, 'Mummification Ritual' racial feat, Character level 11th   Effects: You gain the 'Sarcophagus Knight' Homebrew template as a servant of Nour, but take one negative level that can be recovered as normal. To gain the template, you must venture to the location in the world that you wish to be the location of your sarcophagus, and upon your arrival it shall appear before you in the chosen location. You must climb inside, willingly entomb yourself inside of it, and die within to be reborn 1d10 days later with the ‘Sarcophagus Knight’ template as normal. Work with your GM to decide the oath you take as a Sarcophagus Knight, as described in the template description.   The final step for the Desert Elves in their quest to serve Nour, the way of the Sarcophagus Knight is one that only the most devout walk...for to do so is to forgo your everything, your afterlife, emotions, loves and offer it all up, even your life and death, to him to carry out his will and serve him is the way of the martyr, and one that is highly respected amongst the Desert Elven people.
Sirocco's Blessing:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, Character level 4th   Effect: As a swift action that does not provoke AoO, you may surround yourself with whirling blasts of sand that buffet the area and all within a 50ft radius centered around you. You and any allies you designate are unaffected by this aura and its penalties. This sand and wind cause a -6 penalty on all perception checks made within the area, and counts as severe wind(Inflicting a -4 penalty to all ranged attacks made within the area.). Severe wind also inflicts a -4 penalty on all skill checks that can be affected by the wind(Such as Fly, Acrobatics, Climb, etc...GM Discretion). Creatures of small size or smaller are unable to move forward against the force of the wind unless they succeed at a DC 10 Strength check on the ground or a DC 20 Fly check if Airborne. Tiny sized creatures or smaller are knocked prone, roll 1d4 x 10 feet and take 2d6 points of nonlethal damage unless they succeed at a DC 15 Strength check. Flying creatures of the same size or smaller are blown back 2d6+10 feet and take 2d6 points of nonlethal damage unless they succeed at a DC 25 Fly Check.   Special: All creatures of the giant subtype treat you one step friendlier than normal.   Sand Elves, historically, are not the only race to be the victim of great misfortune during their time living in the desert...the titanic Dai-Yukai, long the favored slaves, pack mules, and bodyguards of the desert slavers, are often kidnapped from their incredibly distant island home and shipped across the sea to the desert, where they are turned into slaves, stripped of their culture and tribal identity, and put to work as massive beasts of burden. In this, the two races see kindred spirits in each other whenever they should meet...two races forced into ignominy due to tragic events outside of their control. As such, it isn't uncommon for some Sand Elves to befriend the massive Sandskin Dai-Yukai who prowl the desert, huddling together as friends and allies in a place where strength is the word of the day. In time, as they enjoy each others company, the two peoples often grow so close that they begin to resemble each other, almost as if their souls are growing closer as well. These sand elves who grow close to one or more Dai-Yukai find themselves blessed with the same Sandstorm Aura that the massive Titanesses are, their skin darkening to a light shade of red to match their large friends.
Tramplesailor:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf race   Effect: When an ally passes over your square with a trample or overrun maneuver, you can let yourself be dragged along the path of their trampel or overrun. You may stop in any adjacent square along the course of their movement. If you successfully make the save needed to take half or no damage from an enemy trample or overrun, you can do the same even if a condition or damage would normally prevent you from doing so.   Due to their own innate dexterity, Sand Elves that become close friends with the titanic Sandskin Dai-Yukai quickly learn the preferred attack of their allies: Crashing Footfalls that land like thunder, crushing their enemies into powder. So nimble are these Sand Elves, they can expertly dodge around an allies' trample or overrun, hitching a ride as they tag along for the duration of their allies' movement...they can even do this to an enemy Dai-Yukai or other creature's trample or overrun as well on the times they are nimble enough to dodge.
Sandstorm Aura:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, 'Sirocco's Blessing' Racial Feat, Character level 8th   Effect: Your aura from 'Sirocco's Blessing' counts as a Sandstorm for all effects related to weather, dealing 1d4 nonlethal damage each hour to all creature caught in the open, as well as reducing visibility to 1d4 x 10 feet, rolled each time the storm is summoned.   Special: Once you hit level 12, the aura you summon can count as a windstorm(All Ranged attacks become impossible within its radius, Siege weapons take a -4 on all attack rolls, the skill penalty doubles to -8, Small & Tiny must make check or be knocked prone, medium & small must make check to move forward) for a number of rounds equal to your CONMOD(Minimum 1). You may upgrade your aura to a windstorm as a free action.   Among those Sand Elves who become friends with the Sandskin Dai-Yukai and inherit the Onus of the Sirocco's Blessing, there are those who not only take well to this blessing but embrace it with all their might, using the whirling blasts of sand around them in all their endeavors and adventures to its fullest potential. In this way, through continued use and experience, these Sand Elves sometime unlock further potential to this the whirling sand around them develops into a full blown sandstorm, it soon picks up speed as well and becomes a windstorm as well, capable of blowing smaller creatures away entirely and obscuring sight beyond a certain radius.
Disciple of the Demon:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, Character level 8th   Effect: For a number of rounds per day equal to (1 + CHAMOD, Minimum 1) you can pass through walls and obstacles as if you were incorporeal. This feat also counts as Skill Focus(Stealth), and grants identical effects to the feat of the same name if you do not already have it.   Special: If you possess the Ghost Step Ninja Master trick, you may pass through 10ft of walls or obstacles per level instead of 5ft.   Within the burning hell of the Infernus Caldera, a slumbering Megavolcano that sits on the southern side of the Endless Sands, there is said to be a legendary assassin that resides there, running an elite school for training assassins, shinobis, and thieves. This is little more than a myth to many, as many who venture into the bubbling caldera seldom return...but, for a lucky few, they return not only alive several years later, but with their bodies honed to their absolute limit and imparted with incredible powers. They speak little of their experiences, but their mere survival lends credence to the truth of a demonic school of assassins residing with the Caldera that even counts Dai-Yukai amongst its members...whosoever could have the wherewithal to lead such a school would undoubtedly be a demon, indeed.
Chosen of the Chameleon:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, 'Disciple of the Demon' Racial Feat, Character level 14th   Effect: For a number of rounds per day equal to (1 + 1/2 CONMOD, Minimum 1), you alter ANY invisibility effect you are affected by to, in addition to its normal effects, make it so you can’t be detected with detect magic or other spells that detect magic auras, can’t be penetrated, revealed, or dispelled by spells of 2nd level or lower (such as see invisibility or glitterdust), though true seeing and dust of appearance can reveal your presence. While empowering an invisibility effect this way, you are undetectable by blindsense, blindsight, scent, and tremorsense.   Laying in the heart of the roiling lava pits of the Infernus Caldera's deepest points is the Martial Dojo of a man known only as Chameleon, one of - if not the - best shinobi to have stepped foot upon the world of Ea. With his mythical might and burning desire, he trains those willing to endanger themselves within the Caldera to reach his legendary dojo...and among the hundreds who make the journey each year, barely a handful survive the journey...while fewer still survive his brutal teachings long enough to gain even the smallest glimpse of the legendary technique of the Great Shinobi Chameleon, said to have taken invisibility to such heights that no magic, sense, or even god can see him once he's vanished from sight. These chosen students who live to glimpse a part of this technique are blessed with the smallest fragment of the legendary technique that is said to, at its pinnacle, fool even the eyes of the gods. Vanishing from sight, mind, and almost existence, these creatures are almost undetectable by senses and mortal magic alike.
Handmaiden of the Sightless Seer:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, Female only, Character level 12th   Effect: You can no longer be forcibly aged. For a number of rounds per day equal to 1/2 your HD(Minimum 1), you can treat yourself as under the effects of a true seeing spell. These rounds do not need to be consecutive, but must be spent in one round increments.   In the new village of El-Sonsoria where the Sandskin Dai-Yukai have planted roots and called home, the Sand Elven Women who leave their cavern home behind to live with these gentle giants sometimes earn the favor of the second and more mysterious of the matrons of the village, the venerable blind and deaf oracle known by the Dai-Yukai as the "Sightless Seer". Said to be a being so incredibly ancient as to remember the days of the old Giant Pantheon in person, she is an essential figurehead to the former Dai-Yukai villagers...and she often takes Handmaidens to assist her with her daily tasks, as the mute, deaf, and blind ancient has trouble with many things. These Handmaidens are said to inherit, or perhaps are gifted, a shard of her ineffable insights into time itself.
Watcher of El-Sonsoria:   Prerequisites: Sand Elf Race, Male Only, Character level 8th   Effect: You can tell at a glance how many total HD and/or how many HP a creature has remaining. You gain Greensight out to 120ft, and your base land speed increases by 15ft in the Forest, Jungle, Swamp and Desert Terrains. You gain +2 to all attack and damage rolls made while above a foe and a climb speed equal to your base land speed.   In the new village of El-Sonsoria where the Sandskin Dai-Yukai have planted roots and called home, the Sand Elven Men who leave their cavern home behind to live with these gentle giants often take up roles as watchers and protectors of the village set in the heart of a newly grown forest...unlike their female counterparts, the Desert Elven Men of El-Sonsoria are disciples of the village's other matron, the powerful druid known as Mother Zara who is said to have invented the spell that is said to have grown the verdant forest that El-Sonsoria sits in. Under her guidance, these Sand Elves patrol the forests around the village scouting and keeping watch for any intruders. Darting through the undergrowth like lightning and climbing trees like monkeys, they attack unsuspecting foes from the high branches before darting off into the underbrush...ironically, their ancestral memories of their forest elven ancestors have begun to resurface as a result, and these memories have only made them stronger in their new home.


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