Eye of Thümaziid

The eyes of a long-dead Dragon Sorcerer-King

Special: This item is exclusive and/or associated solely with an organization in the world of Ea, "The Scholastica Lexicanus", and is not available for common purchase. Speak to GM for more details.   Aura: Overwhelming Divination and Transmutation; CL 20th; Slot: Slotless; Price: 30,000 gp; Weight: 1 lbs.   Description   This sparkling emerald Dragon's Eye pulses with overwhelming magical energy, and yet throbs with life as if alive...   Using this item requires the prospective wearer place this item up to their forehead, whereupon the item will burrow into their flesh and implant itself in their forehead as a third eye. After this point, only death or Divine Intervention can break the bond between the Eye and the wearer.   While worn, this item grants the wearer Dragon Senses(Darkvision 120ft, Blindsense60ft, See 4x as well in conditions of low light), as well as permanent Aura Sight and Arcane Sight.   3/day, the wearer may cast Clairaudience-Clairvoyance, Augury, or See Beyond using the item's CL.   1/day, the wearer may cast True Sight using the item's CL.   The wearer gains Draconic as a bonus language if they did not already speak it, and all True Dragons start one step friendlier to you and are immediately aware you possess the Eye.   1/day, the wearer may turn into a solid Adamantine Statue of themself for up to 1hr per HD they possess, and can return to their normal form as a swift action. While in this form all forms of movement drop to 0ft, they cannot attack, speak, or cast spells with verbal or somatic components, but they gain DR30/- and +20 to all stealth checks while in this form to appear as a mundane statue. The wearer does not need to breathe while in this form, and they do not age either. If they initiate combat from this form, they gain a +2 on their initiative check. By sacrificing a number of spells whose total combined levels equals 14 or more, the duration changes to 1 day per HD.   Construction Requirements   Unknown. It is thought that no more can be created at all.


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