Imperial Dwarf Alternate Racial Traits in Corexus | World Anvil

Imperial Dwarf Alternate Racial Traits

Freyja's Gift: Become a small size creature, and gain all the appropriate penalties and benefits. Replaces Aslauge's Gift.   Born a great deal smaller than others of their kind, many Imperial Dwarves are born with the blessing of Freyja, her holy symbol showing prominently on their necks as a sign of her blessing and her touch, so heavy it kept them smaller than normal. These Dwarves are often found in the service of Giant masters as servants, but can live simple, long lives so long as they take care to avoid the footfalls of their Giant allies, who are so tall a single toe of some are nearly as tall as they.
Silent And Dead: Your Type changes to Half-Undead. You no longer need to eat or sleep, but must stil sit in silent rest or meditation for 1 hour each night to regain use of your daily abilities. You gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease and mind-affecting effects. You are harmed by positive energy and healed by negative energy, and you take no penalties from energy-draining effects, though you can still be killed if you accrue more negative levels than you have Hit Dice. After 24 hours, any negative levels you’ve gained are removed without any additional saving throws. Replaces Durable Genes.   Perhaps taking after the half-undead nature of the Dai-Yukai which conquered their home, many Imperial Dwarves have curiously begun to turn into strange half-undead creatures, their skin turning an even deeper shade of blue than normal as many of their internal biological functions stop working entirely.
Faceless Betrayer: Gain Disguise Self as an at-will spell-like ability. Gain a racial +10 to all disguise checks made to impersonate other Dwarves, and you gain a racial +2 to Bluff checks, and bluff is a class skill for you. Replaces Brawn over Brains.   When the Dai-Yukai marched into the Dwarven Keeps as Goddesses of War, not all Dwarves fled to safer grounds, or stayed out of fear for their lives...a rare few Dwarves, rather than fear or flee the Dai-Yukai, threw in their lot with the towering Titanesses and helped assist them in their conquest of the Dwarves' own homeland. Sowing discord and breaking all resistance before it could begin, these betrayer Dwarves were rewarded for their efforts once the Dai-Yukai conquered the Dwarves completely by branding them with a special symbol...and by stealing their original faces. Whether as cruel punishment or gift to the dwarves now hunted by their own kind, these faceless betrayers can now wear every face but their own as a reward for leading their own people into damnation.
Gianthunter: Gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant subtype, and gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls against them. Replaces Hatred.   Where once they hunted all Giants indiscriminately to purge their evil from the world, some Dwarves have inherited this lineage of expert warfare against a hated foe...except now, they hunt the Giants that refuse or are unable to accept the light of the Kingdom of Aslaga's civilization, who would prefer to stay in barbarity eating and crushing passers-by at their own whims. Hunting for the sake of unity and civilization, the Imperial Dwarven Warriors now kill Giants for a reason that would have once been anathema to them.
Dwarven Tossball Master: All creatures are considered proficient in using you as an improvised weapon, and, when throwing you or using you as a ranged weapon, you have a ranged increment equal to 3x your base land speed(60ft for the average Imperial Dwarf). You deal one step of damage higher than normal for an improvised weapon appropriate for your size. Replaces Brawn over Brains.   A wholly unique dwarven tradition that has survived even the fall of their homeland, the Dwarven sport of Tossball is a time-honored thing where teams of Dwarves toss each other around like humanoid cannonballs, attempting to toss the "ball" through a metallic hoop or, in some variant rulesets, hitting the opposing team with the "ball" until they either surrender or are knocked unconscious. Yet, as all things Dwarven, the sport of Tossball is not strictly a sport, and has practical applications on the battlefield as well. Picking up Dwarven warriors clad in full-plate mail and tossing them downrange of the battlefield like armored cannonballs to slam into enemy lines, these Tossball masters are quite adept at working in tandem with another creature to be thrown or wielded as a weapon.


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