The strongest metal in the world

Mechanical Benefits:

For Armor: Most NEMEAN-Metal armors are one category lighter than normal for purposes of movement and other limitations. Heavy armors are treated as medium, and medium armors are treated as light, but light armors are still treated as light. This decrease does not apply to proficiency in wearing the armor. A character wearing mithral full plate must be proficient in wearing heavy armor to avoid adding the armor’s check penalty to all his attack rolls and skill checks that involve moving. Spell failure chances for armors and shields made from NEMEAN-Metal are decreased by 10%, maximum Dexterity bonuses are increased by 2, and armor check penalties are decreased by 4 (to a minimum of 0).   Armor made from NEMEAN-Metal grants its wearer damage reduction of 2/— if it’s light armor, 3/— if it’s medium armor, and 5/— if it’s heavy armor.   Armor not primarily of metal are not meaningfully affected by being partially made of NEMEAN-Metal. (A longsword can be a NEMEAN weapon, while a quarterstaff cannot.)   Armor made of NEMEAN-Metal is immune to rust, including that of rust monsters, the rusting grasp spell, and so on.   Hardness/HP is as if the weapon was made of Adamantine.
For Weapons: Weapons overcome any metal-based DR(Adamantine, Gold, etc…) and always count as magic to overcome DR. Weapons made from NEMEAN Metal allow 1 handed weapons able to be counted as light weapons, and halves the weight of the weapon.   Weapons fashioned from NEMEAN-Metal have a natural ability to bypass hardness when sundering weapons or attacking objects, ignoring hardness less than 20.   Weapons made of NEMEAN-Metal are immune to rust, including that of rust monsters, the rusting grasp spell, and so on.   Hardness/HP is as if the weapon was made of Mithril.   Not available to be bought normally. Must be found or, may be available for purchase depending on the player’s starting race. Ask GM for more details.


Material Characteristics

NEMEAN Metal, while solid, is soft and nigh-liquid in its consistency almost akin to quicksilver. When both refined and unrefined, the metal can be seen to ripple and quiver as if water being struck by a rock.   However, it maintains its incredibly durability despite these odd properties.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Almost Unbreakable. Immune to rust and the advancement of time. Highly conductive of both electricity and magic.

Geology & Geography

NEMEAN metal and NEMEAN ore are not found naturally within the planescape.

Origin & Source

NEMEAN Metal is made from NEMEAN ore, which is created through a complicated and long-forgotten process that creates NEMEAN ore through the combination and extraction of key minerals from many different types of naturally-occurring ores on Ea, chiefly Mithral, Adamantine, Iron, Djezet, and others.

Life & Expiration

NEMEAN Metal is immune to rust, aging, and deterioration.

History & Usage


The History of NEMEAN Metal is knowledge that has been lost to the trappings of time, though it is known it was discovered by the High Humans in ancient times and used extensively throughout their empire.


The Discovery of NEMEAN Metal is knowledge that has been lost to the trappings of time, though it is known it was discovered by the High Humans in ancient times and used extensively throughout their empire.

Everyday use

In the past, NEMEAN Metal was used as the elite metal of choice for weapons, armor, and construction of durable structures or objects that needed to withstand all attacks but still be flexible or conduct magic.


NEMEAN Metal must be refined before it can be used, but the process for doing so is lost to time.

Manufacturing & Products

Weapons, Armor, anything metallic.

Byproducts & Sideproducts



Extreme, EXTREME Heat. The smelting process gives of gasses toxic to most organic life that dissipate quickly but are highly lethal.

Environmental Impact

Unless properly managed, the NEMEAN smelting process produces titanic amounts of turbulet magical energy strong enough to flense flesh from bone and disintegrate steel in seconds. The Extreme Heat produced within the smelting process is hot enough to vaporize any material with a boiling or melting point.

Reusability & Recycling

NEMEAN Metal can be smelted down and recycled by being forged into new items.


47.867 u
Melting / Freezing Point
Melts at ​(4380 °C, ​7916 °F)
3.172 g/cm3
Common State
Related Species


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