Stoneborn Dwarf Alternate Racial Traits in Corexus | World Anvil

Stoneborn Dwarf Alternate Racial Traits

Dwulvor's Effulgent Body: You gain the Earth subtype. Gain DR 5/Adamantine, Tremorsense 30ft, and a burrow speed equal to your base land speed. Replaces Hardy and Weapon Familiarity.   Their skin hardening up to become solid rock, many Stoneborn Dwarves who refuse to capitulate to the desires of the Giants who conquered their home and who continue to carry the Dwarven traditions with them become more akin to mobile stone statues than living creatures. Seen as a sign of their creator ancestor's favor, these Dwarves are treated greatly by their Stoneborn brethren and are often found spearheading the most drastic and daring plans to retake their homeland.
Mountainheart: Gain fire resistance 15. Replaces Dwulvor's Roaring Forge.   Said to have inherited a shard of the famous "Mountainhearts" said to have slumbered at the center of each of the nine Dwarven Keeps when they fled the conquest of the Gordrix Empire, these rare Dwarves have bodies that burn with the heat of a roaring magma forge, blood as hot as liquid metal, and veins that glow red in dim light...all signs of Dwulvor's love, and his imminent return in his children's time of greatest crisis.
Primordial Form: Become a large sized creature. Replaces Stability.   Their bodies growing and enlarging, many Stoneborn Dwarves in this new age are becoming more and more like their ancient creator and father, Dwulvor. Towering above their kin, they are walking reminders of the majesty of the High Dwarves, and the size they stood at as they shaped the world.
Stonecunning: Gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. You receive a check to notice such features whenever you pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not you are actively looking. Replaces Weapon familiarity or Stability.   While the Dwarven Peaks have fallen to Giants, there yet exist many Mountain Dwarven Citadels and even some Underground Dwarven Keeps in various places throughout the world...meaning that many Dwarves, while not universal anymore, do possess the stonecunning ancestrally bestowed upon them by their High Dwarven father.
Proud Guildmember: Gain a racial +2 on Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks, and gain one of your choice as a class skill. Gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. You receive a check to notice such features whenever you pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not you are actively looking. Replaces Hatred.   Not all Stoneborn Dwarves who resisted or despised living beneath Giants fled...for many, fleeing was simply not an option. Whether out of pride, patriotism, or bad luck, many Dwarves in the Gordrix Empire were not able to flee the Giants invasion and, seeing no other option to avoid slavery, turned to the many Guilds for safety and refuge. As the Dwarves flocked to the Guilds for refuge, they became something of a safehouse for the last 'free' Dwarves in the country, as even the Giants knew the Guilds were too valuable, too widespread, and too crucial to the country's operation to get rid of, and though heroic acts of sacrifice and martyrdom, many Dwarven and Human Guildmasters accepted execution to protect those within their Guilds. As a result, many of the Guilds still contain free Dwarves who believe in the ideals of the Gordrix Empire...waiting for their chance to strike back.
Dwarven Tossball Master: All creatures are considered proficient in using you as an improvised weapon, and, when throwing you or using you as a ranged weapon, you have a ranged increment equal to 3x your base land speed(60ft for the average Stoneborn Dwarf). You deal one step of damage higher than normal for an improvised weapon appropriate for your size. Replaces Weapon Familiarity.   A wholly unique dwarven tradition that has survived even the fall of their homeland, the Dwarven sport of Tossball is a time-honored thing where teams of Dwarves toss each other around like humanoid cannonballs, attempting to toss the "ball" through a metallic hoop or, in some variant rulesets, hitting the opposing team with the "ball" until they either surrender or are knocked unconscious. Yet, as all things Dwarven, the sport of Tossball is not strictly a sport, and has practical applications on the battlefield as well. Picking up Dwarven warriors clad in full-plate mail and tossing them downrange of the battlefield like armored cannonballs to slam into enemy lines, these Tossball masters are quite adept at working in tandem with another creature to be thrown or wielded as a weapon.


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