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Wasting Curse

This a disease inflicted through a magical curse. The curse is meant to cause a slow, but horrific decline over a period of several years. In it's initial phase the cursed individuals skin will being to rot becoming discolored. This will be followed by a phase duirng nails, teeth and hair will all being to become discolored and fall off. In the third phase limbs will start to wither. In the final phase internal organs will decay with the victim losing control of their bowels and bladder before organ failure and death. Each phase of the disease will last anywhere from two months to two years with the length being random and capracious.  The entire point of this horiffic curse to to infict prolonged suffering on the cursed individual so the caster can revel in the the victim's suffering.  The caster is always a powerful spell-caster, and these individuals will often hold the cursed individual prisoner to observe and gloat over the cursed individuals suffering.  The curse is also used as a form of blackmail with the cursed individual being required to perform some mission or commit some act in order for the caster to remove the curse.


The condition is caused by a magical curse.


A removed curse, usually requiring a very powerful magician or cleric will stop the disease's progression and over a period of weeks or months the symptoms of the disease will be reversed until the victim eventually regains their normal appearence and abilities.  A greater restoration spell will make this process immediate, if the curse has been removed.  Without removing the curse a greater restoration spell will temporary stop the progression of the disease for 5-30 days. Cure disease will have no effect.


The condition is eventually fatal unless the curse is removed.

Hosts & Carriers

The cursed individual.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare


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