Dead Changeling in the Woods

Discovery, Exploration

8/1 20:00

Morbash and "The Living Hive" discover the corpse of a Changeling in the Eaglia Forest

Morbash and "The Living Hive" discover the corpse of a Changeling in the Eaglia Forest, about an hour East of Oakenhold. The corpse rests in a small clearing, where a camp apparently once stood, though it was seemingly in the process of being packed up. The body is full of puncture wounds and the ground is trampled by small Kobold tracks.   The Changeling tried to hide a lockbox of items under the coals of the snuffed campfire. Morbash found this hidding place and uncovered it. "The Living Hive" investigated the tracks at the scene to find that they led West towards Oakenhold. Together the two of them followed the suspected killers, both of them not knowing of what kind of creature this corpse they had found belonged to.

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