Nach dem zusammenbruch des Portalfeldes von Uharu und der vernichtung der Paria Blokadeflotte werden die einzigen Überlebenden dieses Unglücks während eines Banketts zu ihren Ehren im Palast der Hegemonie für Ihren heldenhaften Mut gefeiert, sich den zalosianischen Unterdrückern entgegen zu stellen.
Trotz des zusammenbruchs des Uharu Portals in Dabaran boten die überlebenden von Uharu dem Horizont einen neuen hoffnungsschimmer in einer dunklen, düsteren Zeit der ungewissheit.
Lang mögen die Helden von Uharu leben und dem Horizont ein Wegweiser der zenitischen Einigkeit in einer neuen Zyklade sein!
This page represents the knowledge base for the RPG Coriolis. The use of visual material from the Coriolis roleplaying game is with the kind permission of Free League and any use of all works is expressly non-commercial.
Any copyright of the original texts and images used are property of Free League or the respective artists and is used on the basis of the US FAIR USE DOCTRINE for the visual underpinning of the text, and creation of a beautiful imersion to imagine a fantastic world. The graphics used also largely utilise images generated by me using artificial intelligence (DALL·E) and are subject to the Content Policy and Terms.
-- Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. --If you are an artist and you do not (or no longer) want to see your work on this page, or you would like to see an addition (your page link, additional copyright notice etc), please contact me at coriolis-project [ at ]
Every article, information, character, horizont or event created by me may be used free of charge within the scope of fair use as well. Of course, I would be happy to be credited as the author but thats optional. My goal is to create beautiful worlds.
This page is build for personal non comercial use only.