The Deckhand

The Deckhand is usually portrayed as a tired boy holding a broom or a switch key.  The Deckhand can bless homes, ships, and stores, if they’re well-kept and the right offerings have been made.  The Deckhand protects the unfortunate as the folklore always depicts the Icon sharing their fate – tricked out of a well-earned reward.    Some stories describe the Deckhand a bit differently, as a rascal that disturbs commerce, destroys electronics on ships, or makes sure the shelves in the shops are dusty and crooked. This aspect of the Deckhand is called the Waba, or the Fox.    The best sacrifice to the Deckhand is a well-kept shop, balanced accounts, and meticulous service to one’s ship. In the chapels, a common offering is to wash the altar of the Icon and read a fairy-tale for the tired boy.


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