The Faceless One

The Seeker among the Icons is never pictured. In temples and on Icon walls there is instead an empty place or alcove, or an asymmetry in the placement of the other Icons. Not so long ago, many did not even know of the existence of the Faceless One, but the rise of the Church of the Icons changed that. On stage, the Faceless One is portrayed as a masked figure all in black that sneaks about the set, rearranging the props and giving or taking away objects from the actors.    The most common aspect of the Icon is the Shadow, although for a long time many thought of it as an evil spirit rather than an Icon. The Shadow brings madness by luring the soul out into the Dark between the Stars. The anonymity of the Faceless One makes for few sacrifices in its honour, except by those who have known and revered the Icon for a long time, such as the Black Lotuses of Ahlam’s Temple or the Karvor nomads in Aigi, Uharu.    A proper offering is often a mask, black or white stones, or a drop of blood from the believer.  Unsubstantiated but persistent rumours claim that certain unsavoury cults on Mira and Dabaran worship a perverted aspect of the Faceless One with human sacrifices to quench the Icon’s thirst for souls.


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