The Judge

An old matriarch with a grave face and a sword at her side is the common way to picture the Judge. The Judge’s realm is that of justice and due punishment, hence the name. Early Icon myths name the Icon either as The Blind or the Warden, and many believe that it is the Judge who presides over the afterlife, accompanied by the Gambler and holding a pair of scales.   The famous mosaic in the Sarras temple on Menau depicts the Judge together with the hyena-headed Gambler who is trying to lead the ghosts of the dead astray.    The Martyr is another aspect of the Judge and the most important Icon to the Order of the Pariah. The Martyr accepts unjust punishments, such as in the story “The Woes of Chigas” where the Martyr takes Chigas’ place when Kahaz, the monster of the deep, is coming to devour her.   The only sacrifice the Judge desires is confession of one’s failings and lies, and remorseful penance. Flagellation in honour of the Martyr can be appropriate under certain circumstances, but is almost exclusively practiced by the Order.


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