
For the adventurous, the intelligent, and the gifted, the Gambler is a perfect fit. Curious children who speak the truth as they see it and think quickly on their feet are the Icon’s protégées. The Icon is often pictured as a young man stretching his hand towards you, urging you to take a risk, to roll the dice. Myth and folklore across the Horizon usually describe the Gambler as a trickster, such as in the forms of the Laughing Hyena on Algol, King Macaque onMira, or as juggling tarrab. The darker aspect of the Icon is surrounded by stories of monsters and the Dark between the Stars. On Mira, one incarnation of the Gambler is the Ensnarer who comes for the cowardly and the weak that are afraid to take risks in life. The Gambler appreciates simple offerings, such as dice, Gambler cards from an Icon deck, a mug of wine or some other kohôl. Lingering memories from the Long Night speak of goat blood sacrifices, and ever fouler things.


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