Rimward Reach

For a long time, the Rimward Reach was just empty space on the edges of the Kua system, but this changed dramatically when a Foundation probe found something deep inside the Kandah cloud. An expedition traveled to the Rimward Reach and found that it hadn’t always been empty. Strange monuments and drifting shipwrecks bore witness to a time when Firstcome colonists didn’t fear the big black.

Today, many years later, the area is a haven for freethinkers and fortune seekers, but a bloody struggle for the area’s resources isbeing fought under the calm surface. This “end of the Horizon” gathers shady prospectors, cunning spies, and ruthless archaeologists, all fighting for their chance at a better life – a fight with few winners and many losers.

The Rimward Reach is not dominated by any one faction, an exception in the otherwise Consortium-controlled system. Because of its remote location, the factions’ initial disinterest, and the independent space station Djachroum’s strong position, the Rimward Reach is a melting pot of groups both big and small with colliding agendas.
In the sector of the Lady of Tears, beyond the far borders of Transsurha, you will find the area known as the Rimward Reach.


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