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A Baronkian tale: Shadows die twice

Act I

  I must admit, it feels weird knowing your friends are mourning you. Well, I should rather refer to them as my 'future' friends. I'll be honest I didn't expect to find anyone in the storm much less the future version of my ol' pal. Hanging around with this new group of people. Then again, I had to focus on the goal at hand even though seeing him like his normal, not corrupted version. It gave me hope, that my plan might work. Like I already assumed to transform him back might be more complicated than just wishing him to return to his old self. Even though it could work I can't take any chances on this matter. So, while in the storm I came up with this idea that might work. Faking my own death. Now it might seem drastic even more so because I will now have an audience but that might play into my advantage. I need to make my friend remember, make him attach himself more to his old self. So, if everyone believes that I died maybe my corrupted friend will believe even more so the consequences of him killing me.   Well, my plan worked... I think. Only time will tell. I needed to make my death look believable that is where the fake came in. An unintended side effect was that 'future' Skarsnik tried to jump in front of me, but a little slowing spell made sure he would just be to late. It does seem my plan did work because he did seem to already know what was going to happen but not sure though. It did break my heart seeing him burst out of the tent. But I think this was the only way. But anyhow I had to make my bracelets disappear with a simple spell just to make sure they don't think I survived. It is only invisible though so it isn't actually gone but whatever it will do the trick. Now it's just a game of following the crew with invisibility on my side.   The aftermath is worse than I thought I guess my future self really became good friends with them. They all seem so down, even Katara I think I heard her name was, prayed with Skarsnik to the Raven Queen for my guidance to the afterlife. I really wanted to tell him: "I'm still here you dummy. Just turn around and give your ol' bud a hug.". But I can't I hope the moment to reveal myself will arrive rather soon because this feels so wrong. Also, I picked up a blade Skar left behind. Think it might be as a gift or offer for my safe travels to the afterlife but well... I don't need to explain myself here. So, I'll give it back after I uncorrupted his 'past' version. I hope this will make a good story even though I still need to figure out how to write it though i.e., not including me as the protagonist. But I also need an ending, so I need to be patient and wait until my reprisal is ready. So, this is it I need to wait... wait until my act II.    

After losing a friend

  The next day arrived, the party atmosphere seems to have been shook after my supposed death. I really want to come out of hiding but the time isn't right yet. I don't know when it will though. But that's besides the point I've been following them they came across these strange small creatures which made them happier which I am very happy about. They really needed that. Oh yes, they also came across a ruin which I didn't really go in because it's best I keep my distance at locations to not reveal my plan. But it did seem they were arguing about taking a crown or something I don't really know I was busy thinking about how to write this story it's such a weird plot, but it would be unique, so I need to keep thinking. Finally in the evening I saw Skar writing something. Even though my cover could have been blown I needed to see what he was writing so I just took place right behind him looking over his shoulder. But this proved to be a mistake as I finally realized what I had done. He was writing a goodbye note... a note addressed to me. At that moment, my world collapsed. My worst nightmare, making my lil' brother sad. The only things flashing through my mind was: "This isn't right. What is happening? How did this happen?". These feelings were way to much I just wanted them to stop. Just stop... It really got me specifically this part of the note: "A plan to get me to my new friend…. Family and that we would meet again. But now I can’t anymore because I couldn’t see what your plan was of being happy with my new friends, no I had to be the leader again and we got in a fight. I was too stubborn to say sorry. So that night shouldn’t have happened you shouldn’t have needed to help and because I was a fool again, you’re not here anymore and I miss you so bad my brother all because I didn’t see what you all did for me, I will make this right.". But I need to do this brother I hope that after all of this you won't be to mad with me. I really believe there wasn't another way. I'm sorry brother. I'll be back soon.   The next few days the spirit lifted overall everyone getting over my death. Well, everyone except Skar. I should have expected this but then again having them there was never part of the plan. Anyway, it's just more of the same: tracing them from the shadows making sure they don't notice me, sitting in the cold alone looking over their camp making sure nothing to bad happens to them. I helped them a little by making creatures have a sudden urge to turn around and wonder a different direction away from the camp they set up. Also, my rations are coming dangerously low, so I'll need to find a way to replenish them somehow without them noticing. Then again, I just need to wish it but then of course their camp will be a lot more open to attack. I'll try to figure out an alternative but right now I can still keep them save to a certain degree.    

The infested village

  This one is interesting. They actually found a town/village difficult to see for me from this distance. I presume they will go in I also heard this weird horn play or something it seemed like one of the Skar's friends recognized the sound, but I certainly do not. They are now discussing how to get in I think I might join them on this one even though it might blow my cover, but the story is just to good not to observe.   Well, they got in but Skar attacked the dwarven formed Slaads I think they could have just acted like they were also Slaads but oh well some action can't hurt right? They killed the two Slaads greeting them into Krgth and right after retreated to the outside of the city it was a close one, but they managed to get away. There is now unfortunately I think no actual way for them to get back into the city, so they'll have to move on.   Some time has passed, and I can't believe the absolute courage of the team or the absolute stupidity they're gonna try and fight the Slaad-infested village. I will wish for them to have a safe-ish battle my wishes have been working weirdly in this storm at least for the bigger ones like this so I hope it'll be enough for them to at least survive. But that's all I can do I'll just spectate from the outside from Krgth since it would be too dangerous for me to be on the battlefield while trying to stay hidden. But anyway, I'll write anything I'm able to see over the walls.   Well, I think they got caught. I heard/saw the battle for a while, but it stopped and haven't seen them come out yet. So, my assumption doesn't seem that far off. Side note there was suddenly a light beam descending from the heavens somehow and it just by judging from the noise after the beam hit it did a lot of damage. I'll have to await their exit of the city, so I'll write when something happens again.  

The plot thickens

  Well, they came out of Krgth but I need to wish for extra rations so I hope nothing will go wrong. But this is what a good bard would call foreshadowing, so everything went wrong. Corrupted skar attacked the exact same evening I wished for the extra rations so I can't even turn him back if I wanted to, so I'll just have to let them fight him sadly enough.   The ambush was rough it left the team in a bad shape, but they at least survived the encounter also in other good news I think I will be able to now survive on my rations until the next encounter which also means I can turn him back the next time he tries to fight the party. Additionally, I now know that some people in the party (including future Skar) want to kill the corrupted version of Skarsnik instead of capturing him. This means I'll need to intervene before they can capture (or kill him). Final thing for me to consider is that the corrupted Skarsnik wants to kill his future self. So I'll need to try and protect both of them at the same time in the next encounter which will be interesting. Anyway they won the encounter and the corrupted version of Skar teleported away. They recuperated and are ready for what the next day will bring.  

The great library

  They traveled for a few days again and found a new great ruin it seems to be a library but I'm not going to lie. I am getting really bad feelings from it so I think I'll stay out of this one just camping on the outside. A plus side I can finally wish for a camp finally sleeping somewhere moderately warm and having a nice rest without risking them finding me. I'll wait here for their return. This did give me some time to think in the evening though thinking about if there was a better way about helping my brother without hurting my future brother... also referring to them in past and future is starting to get annoying I just want to be able to say my brother, my ol' pal like nothing actually ever happened. I hope I can show him I didn't die a few days ago  

Act II

  I don't know why but this day feels like it's going to be an important one. They haven't gotten out of the library yet, so they probably got trapped somehow but oh well they'll get out. They're a strong team so I'm not to worried. Anyway, I think this will be the last note I'll write for a while. Signing off and still alive Baronk the magnificent bard.


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