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A Baronkian tale: The chief's ambition

We start off this tale in a galaxy called Djae. More specifically a planet called Porensia. This planet isn't really well known since it is more or less a desolate desert planet. But just for this reason Baronk used to visit often, as it should have a lot of stories waiting to be uncovered and told.   Baronk didn't have much luck uncovering old tales that he could use in one of his next songs. But fate would soon change. As he was traveling, he saw a town in the distance. Now it looked like any ordinary city but since Baronk was low on food he started heading towards the town. Now as he was entering the town villagers seemed to hide away. This of course, sparked his interest not knowing why the villagers were so scared of him. He entered the first shop he could find. Behind the counter there was this nonchalant shop keeper who welcomed Baronk saying: "Welcome, we usually don't see travelers around here. So, what can I do for you?". Baronk said: "Nothing much just some food for the road. But could you tell me why the other people were so scared?" the shop keeper answered while grabbing some dried meat: "Oh that's because of the neighboring Yuan-ti temple near us has been pillaging our town, stealing our food mainly.". Baronk started noticing that the shop was actually pretty empty being almost fully out of things to sell. The shop keeper put just two dried beef jerkies on the counter saying: "I'm sorry but this is all we can spare now.". Baronk turned down the food knowing that the villagers probably need it more. As he headed out of the shop he asked direction for the temple adding: "I will help the village.". With that final sentence Baronk headed off towards the temple     A couple hours later he saw part of the encampment next to a big rocky cliff. In the cliff it seemed they carved out a temple of sorts with the other huts around that temple. As he was getting closer to the village there were 2 guards that stopped him. Baronk being Baronk, tried to talk his way through but the guards didn't budge taking him as prisoner into the encampment. The guards escorting Baronk entered, making their way towards the temple. The guards stopped in front of the door and said that Baronk should enter alone to talk to the village chief. Baronk ran in trying to make a big entrance. While entering he created fireworks with illusions and a musical entourage. This however did not really impress the chief demanding him to stop. Which Baronk immediately did. The chief asked: "What brings you here to our tribe?". Baronk replied: "I'm here to try and stop you. You're destroying a neighboring town and it must stop you're starving them!". The chief mockingly said: "Well, who might stop me? You? You're just a single bard. I have a full army at my disposal that will follow my every word. Look, I'll show mercy just go and I won't kill you right here, right now.". This surprised Baronk he had never met someone this aggressive yet and knew that he couldn't just fight the army of the chief, so he did what he knew best. He nodded praising the chief on being so merciful. But as he left he wished: "I wish the chief would just learn to cooperate instead of attacking the town.". With those words he left the tribe returning towards the town.   As he arrived the people were there anxiously waiting to hear what happened. Baronk explained to the town folk that even though he tried the chief was to stubborn and wouldn't budge. Also he added that his army would be way to large to take on for him alone. The people were disappointed but thanked him anyway for trying. The next morning, the townspeople were waking up to a terrible sight the Indian chief with his whole army was at the town entrance. But were surprised when instead of attacking he started ordering his troops to give food back to the town. Baronk saw this and left the town while people started celebrating for the new era of peace that has begun for this town and Yuan-ti tribe.   This is were the story ends. With another story being uncovered by Baronk. He later reworked the story to where instead of his wish, that the chief started to feel empathy for the townsfolk and it's starving people. This naturally denied him extra fame and praise from everyone but with that little change the story became a great hit at parties, giving people and gods alike hope that even though unjust things happen, that in the end everything will be restored to a peaceful balance.   The End.


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