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Magus Principus Axton-Firth Amelia-Evelynn Maximilian Amelia-Evelynn Maximilian av Firmfoot of Ironsworth. (a.k.a. Axton)

A pleasure to be of your acquaintance, my name is Axton-Firth Amelia-Evelyn Maximilian av Firmfoot of Ironsworth. I am the 3rd descendent of the 28th house of Ironsworth and of the 16th house of Firmfoot. These titles are of little value now, of course, but old habits tend to stick. Formalities aside, is there any way I can be of help to you? I am an inventor at heart, but I have a broad range of skills at my disposal. I usually price as low as possible, but a man has to make a living. I am willing to negotiate and even join a group if my services are needed. That is, of course, if it makes a living.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Subject has an average build, if a little on the skinny side.

Body Features

Subject is small, even for his race. Their body is healthy, yet rather frail. Subject does exhibit a high degree of control and awareness of his movement and surroundings.

Facial Features

Subject's facial features are rather typical for a male gnome. Notable features include a rather prominent jawline, a broad nose, neither of which are particularly rare, but are still noteworthy.

Identifying Characteristics

Despite the previously mentioned notable features, the subject also has heterochromia. Their left eye is a deep orange and their right is a bright green.

Physical quirks

Subject tends to shift their gaze rapidly from point to point when in a new or stimulant-rich environment. This is, presumably, to take in as much information as possible.

Special abilities

Just like most gnomes, the subject is capable of seeing in the dark and has an extraordinary mental resistance to magic.

Apparel & Accessories

Subject often wears a pair of leather gloves and usually has a pair of goggles with them.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Subject came from a wealthy, yet unfriendly home. They were the 3rd of 7 children in their household. Their father was distant and neglectful and their mother struggled to raise this many children alone. Because of this the subject has had to grow up quickly once younger siblings came. Because of this, the subject has learned to be independent and has even grown to resent his father. The subject was quickly and easily agitated when talking about this particular topic, hinting that they have not yet dealt with this issue yet (and doesn't show much inclination to do so in the near future). Subject also claims to have been framed for a crime they did not commit, but we were unable to determine if this is true or false, due to a lack of evidence. Their lack of faith in justice systems is notable and could be interpreted as a sign that the subject is truthful, but this is still not enough to make a definitive statement.

Gender Identity

Subject identifies themselves as male.


Subject is heterosexual.


The subject has studied in the academy of Anaxes for just over 32 years, during which they have completed multiple educations.


Subject's current employment is as acting captain of the 13-N4/VY and member of the magnificent misfits.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Subject is particularly proud of their close collaberation with Hamas, as well as the title he has earned.

Failures & Embarrassments

Subject has gone on record, stating that they see the fact that they were framed as their failure to make friends with the right people. They have also stated that they see their conviction as a failure to convince a flawed system of the truth.

Mental Trauma

The subject appears to have suffered some mental trauma from their upbringing, as well as the bullying they received from their peers in the Academy of Anaxes.

Intellectual Characteristics

The subject is calculative and rather intelligent. But his emotional skills are a bit lacking.

Morality & Philosophy

The subject shows signs of a deep sense of loyalty towards their close friends, but has become somewhat slow to trust, surely after the harsh treatments they has received by those close to them. When asked, they say that people don't truly care about them, but rather the work they provide. They have grown slow to trust and fail to see the issues this could pose in future friend- or relationships.

Personality Characteristics


Subject is often driven by self-improvement, but has taken motivation from his friends and companions before.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

The subject is well versed in multiple sciences and artisanal skills, but seems inept at most forms of combat and also can have some trouble in social situations.

Likes & Dislikes

The subject seems to enjoy designing and creating various items and tools. They also enjoy to spend an evening with friends, or simply alone. They appear to be rather hedonistic in their lifestyle.
The subject appears to have a strong aversion to confrontation and aggression.

Virtues & Personality perks

The subject is intelligent and impartial to most people. If anyone can get to know them better, they reveal a much more compassionate and loyal side to themselves, even if this is a little hard to achieve.

Vices & Personality flaws

The subject appears to avoid confrontation with most social and psychological issues, especially their own. They have also shown signs of an alcoholic in the making.

Personality Quirks

Despite their mental capabilities, the subject still is very scattered-minded and often times forgets names and dates. They have a slight stutter, which shows itself more in tense situation or in confrontations. They also show signs of ADHD, finding it very hard to focus on one thing at a time, or for longer periods of time.


Subject is healthy and maintains themselves appropriately.


Contacts & Relations

MM Academy of Anaxes Hamas Irene Vastwit

Family Ties

Ironsworths Firmfoots

Religious Views

The subject puts little faith in deities, however his idol and inspiration is a demi-god.

Social Aptitude

The subject's social skills leave some to be desired from time to time, but overall they are capable enough.


Subject has a tendency to become enamored with craftmanship of high quality and tends to go off on a tangent if a subject of interest is brought up and if let be. They are, however, easy to silence.

Hobbies & Pets

The subject has a Biote companion, they have shown to care deeply for it, more than our hypothesis would have predicted.


Has an accent that seems to switch significantly after broad consumption of alcohol. Also can stutter in certain circumstances.

Wealth & Financial state

Moderate - Good

Gnome Artificer. Ex-noble and scholar, travels the world(s) looking to improve his craft.

View Character Profile
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Magnus Principus
3rd descendent of the 28th house of Ironsworth and of the 16th house of Firmfoot
Date of Birth
17th of Triembruary 4238(17/03/4238)
Year of Birth
4238 PE 167 Years old
Current Residence
Kenithra - Ur Borm
Deep Green/Orange
Black, slightly graying
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
3.6 ft.
42 lbs. / 19 kgs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"oh my"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
The subject can speak and write Common, Gnomish, Elvish and Halfling.

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