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Bahamutism is the establish organized religion of the dragons on Urf. It recognizes Io as one of the major creators of the mortal world, mainly the weather and dragons. However, its primary worship revolves around the guidance of Io's son, Bahamut.    
I reject the five sins as the almighty Bahamut rejects the five heads. May he always guide me to justice.   May he always open my eyes to the truth.   May he always direct me to honor.   May he always set me on the path of nobility.   In his name I pledge my devotion and promise to protect the weak,   the hungry, the oppressed, and the unjustly accused.   With platinum resolve.


  Bahamutism follows four major virtues as taught by Bahamut. These are considered to be the pillars of life. They are justice, nobility, honor, and protection. Often in Dragonborn cultures the most elaborate function is that of their judicial system. They do not punish lightly. Sometimes cases can take years to determine one's guilt. However, once accused, it is very difficult to prove innocence. Answering for one's crimes, no matter how small, is of great importance to Bahamutists. This concurs with the second virtue of nobility. Bahamutists believe in raising their children to be noble of character as well as of the mind. Doing what is right in the face of tyranny or injustice is the main basis behind sending them on the Proving. Just like with criminal acts, at a young age committing a fault against another is looked down upon harshly. Bahamutists are taught to own up to their own acts as well as always make ammends to those they have wronged. This is considered the honorable thing to do, hence the third virtue. Honor is a moral duty of a Bahamutist to have towards oneself, one's family, and one's nation. Only when one has the first three virtues in check can he or she be ready for the fourth of protection. In order to adhere to the nobility of justice, it is the honorable thing to protect those less fortunate. The weak, the hungry, the oppressed, and the unjustly accused, as stated in the Platin-Drache, are what Bahamutists pledge protection for


Bahamutism formed following the events of the Great Draconic War. This was the holy war between Bahamut and his twin sister, Tiamat. Bahamutists believe that Bahamut created the race of Dragonborn during this war to defeat Tiamat and her army of evil aligned dragons. Since Dragonborns fought directly under Bahamut in this conflict as a disciplined army, much of those traditions and way of teaching evolved following the war into an organized hierarchy of religion. Originally, it was designed similar to a governmental structure; it had a leader (the "Pontif") and ordained clergy. Eventually it shifted to a more reformed and free congiuration that allowed less restraints. Many Dragonborn and followers of Bahamut still remain loyal to the more traditional form, now called Cathgonics. A vast majority, however, have reformed and are refferred to as Bahastants. Both continue to hold steadfast to Bahamut's core teachings.
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
Church of the platinum dragon

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Articles under Bahamutism


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Dec 3, 2020 01:31 by Eva

I found this page through Jarghull, and I just want to ask: did somebody in this group make up those tenants or are those canon in an official setting?

Dec 5, 2020 09:12

I believe those tenants or the "platin-drache" are official forgotten realms canon but I'm not quite sure as it's not officially published that this verse is the "official" version or whatever in any of the 5e books. It definetly fits with bahamut in the forgotten realms setting but I don't think it is canon.

Dec 6, 2020 16:50 by Eva

Thanks for responding, I just have never seen them before either in the in-book lore on Bahamut or on the Forgotten Realms fandom wiki