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Banshee CR: 4

Medium undead, chaotic evil
Armor Class: Didn’t seem to be to hard to hit it.
Hit Points: 3 Bolts, a bonfire , and a good mace hit after that it was dead?
Speed: 0 ft , fly: 2 ft , burrow: 1 ft , swim: 0 ft , climb: 0 ft , can hover













Skills: Tips to hunt Banshee: 1.use earplugs unknown to everybody in this party is that this ghost lady’s can use scary wail that hurted everybody in a big space. And if you have a weak momented can drop you almost instantaneously (it seems like myself and Jarghull have seems some scary shit because we were the only ones that Resisted the wail now I even don’t trust the big one less).Keeping the healer alive or steal I mean “buy” healing poisons if the wail happens you can help your team back up(if the voice agree of course) .   2.keep your distance she is so ugly that even her touches hurts. Best way to Not get hurt is shoot it with magic or arrows, but if you not skilled enough to Use the mighty crossbow you better be a awesome monk or a wanking wall of Steel not to be hurted by this white horror   3.talking about horror, the first time you see this thing, faire possibly can take your mind yess yess It helps if you can peak at it mentally prepare yourself I have seen big dragonborn almost Shit hem self be seeing this ugly thing. Not everybody can be as brave as a goblin luckily I’m a goblin and awesome e at that.   4.cover is useless the Banshee can move through wall and other stuff (that’s a cheap trick and cheating in my book) even persons are not save from this effect.
Damage Vulnerabilities: Sunlight?
Damage Resistances: Fire of the weird girl didn’t do much’s also the hits form Jargull and his regular ‘flail’ I mean mace where weaker than usual. But sliver and my magic crossbow did fine.
Condition Immunities: Mind trick don’t seem to work on this creature. Other magic effect most likely also have Less effect.
Senses: Voice in head gave me a itch when the Banshee stop cry (like a bitches) I think she sensed us enter even we were SUPER sneaky. Strange but good to now for the next time.
Languages: Common, Elvish?
Challenge Rating: 4
A pale female elven form that looks somewhat scary at least to Katara/Jarghull.
Her face was very wreathed and her hair wild and tangle, she wore rags that seems to

Suggested Environments

At first it seems she likes bakery’s(always thought bakers were vampires how like to get up that early) .but after so good researchers of the little one it seems place where something bad happened seems to a attract this fuckers. Sun light is maybe something ghost don’t like not sure but I think I hear that from a drunk Guy in a bar sooooo coude be a wives tale