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Baronk the trade

The trade Baronk Baronk Baronk (a.k.a. Baronk)

Baronk the trade Baronk is skinny orc with a funny beard and joy full eye’s Baronk travels the hole planted trading trickles and bobbles and use simple magic tricks to make a little show for the locale clan, tribe or village Baronk was born in a orc tribe but soon found out that raiding and pillaging was not for hem. With the few scrape he had he made a kart and traveled the world on the way he learned a little magic, some song and even how to play a lute Baronk never liked violence and when he one day found a little scared goblin in he kart he didn’t kill it but gave some food and water and made hem a friend he even helped the little skarsnik get to Tuwai on the way Baronk lean the little goblin how to be social how to blend in with different kind of people, even some slight of hand tricks. When the got in Tuwai they both decided they wanted to leave the planted after being fired by several job they decided to hide away in the cargo of the ship but than fade struck the crate were Baronk was hide was shipped to a un now location and that was the last time little skarsnik saw Baronk.   Baronk lived his life chasing story. Many have heard the great tales of Baronk the trade, even the gods know who he is. But alas whilst chasing one of the greatest stories inside the great storm on Ur Borm. Baronk perished by the hand of his good friend skarsnik. Who shot him down with his crossbow. Many mourn the loss if this great bard, at least those who remember...

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