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Willam Frelgrad or better know as a Changer or Doppelganger ? CR: a breeze

Medium monstrosity and a snitches , any evil
Armor Class: He seemed to have a basic understand of fighting but not getting hit needed some more training
Hit Points: If I remember right he, she, it (I don’t know what to call the snitches) lasted 24 sec against 3 of us ( some scary sword and axe play form our badass dragonborn, a 3 to 4 very precise spear thrust from our friendly giant Omaira, 2 mediocre first real combat stabs by me. And finely a moment so epic its hard to even put it on paper or even understand it a punch’s line so epic that it will go true the ages as a legend (snitches get stiches!!!!!))
Speed: 30 ft , fly: 0 ft , burrow: 0 ft


10 +0


18 +4


14 +2


11 +0


12 +1


14 +2

Skills: 1. Always had the feel these guy’s could see true me I’m a very good liar but that didn’t help so I think they can look in to my mind ( I hope they got a headache by doing that) so not thinking about important stuff could help ?   2. he, she, it also has a trick similar to me, but better. he, she, it can change his form at will but unlike me it seems and feels real that’s why the group couldn’t figure out how the real cult leader( Luct) was way back. This with combined with he, she, it mind reading trick is a deadly combo. So figuring out how is a Doppelganger and how’s not ( oooooh no maybe im a Doppelganger and don’t know it jet!!!!) is hard   So here are so tips to hunt one down   1. If you can win it’s trust and getter some info about it will help you figuring out its plan or goal. Maybe even finding a tell (something ever form of it has a manner or speeches pattern) this step is very imported 2. Don’t go in alone and come prepared things that can shield your mind are useful or be drunk. Charing early memory and giving your friend code names to sure that they are the real deal is also not a bad idea 3. Lead it in a trap when you can. Trust your gut don’t stress and let it happen if you play your card right you don’t even have to think about it after a time these creatures get cocky and will make mistakes 4. Watches out for the surprise attacks because like the sneaky thing it is he will use a special way of hitting his target that hurts so attacked with many or keep your distance
Damage Vulnerabilities: alot of damage
Damage Resistances: unkown
Damage Immunities: unkown
Condition Immunities: unkown
Senses: Nothing special is far as I could see
Languages: Common and thieves’ cant maybe more but unknown
Challenge Rating: a breeze
This sneak had many form but I knew hem best as the green dragon born (Willam Frelgrad) or as Donald. but to my surprise he was also the dwarf that kept a eye on me in Granville( that’s easy way to make a thieves guild if you’re the only member of it). His finale form came out when he was pushed in a corner and a strange form it was yes yes. He grew in size and became a featureless grey form (never expected that!!!!)

Suggested Environments

I think that you not going to find this type of snitches in a forest or secluded area. Because they need people to trick and play with and to survive so city’s, village or small community’s where people are easy to trick are probably there favored place to be.


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