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Ishra Kai

Ishra is a female elf with very pale skin with almost pitches black hair her eye are also unusual they are dark with a grey iris’s and sometimes looks like the night sky in some light conditions Ishra lived most of her life in Gloomwrought as the only daughter of a baron and baroness. She had a good childhood but didn’t see here parents much and the serve’s that raised her never showed much’s love to her this turn Ishra in a cold person, that doesn’t show emotion easily and is awkward around more open individuals. But she was smart and even at a young age had a neck for magic the city councils quickly (secrets never stay secrets long in Gloomwrought) found out about this new talent and started her training as a Phantom. A secret agented that server the Raven Queen and the Councils. Phantom are trained in using the dark energy of the shadow fell to enhance their magical and physical abilities. she loved here job and was good at it too she was even on her way the become grand master. But this al changed we she in the first time in here life felt love a fellow Phantom came to here aid in a monster hunt and the two fell in love on first sight they were happy and could not being taken apart. One day Ishra and Bosmir were investigating a demon threat in the city they found the foul creature, they started to battle after minuets of fighting both side were hurt bad but the demon had on trick up his sleeve Ishra an Bosmir charged for a final attack but they Ishra froze she felt her form been suck to some unknown location she screamed to Bosmir but no sound could be heard, the last thing she saw was Bosmir being struck down by the demon blade. She woke up in a forest lush and green the color even hurting her eye, sun burning her pale skin this was not the shadowfell. she was alone broken and scared, but she survived trying to find a way home but one day a bolt was shot next to her head at first she could not find the sores but after second bolt nearly mist her a quick skirmish took place and ended in a knocked out goblin. She was ready to slit his throat but felt a sudden connection a feeling the feeling of home she finely fond some hope, she looked through his stuff and found a crossbow oddly looking like the ones at home, after some mild trouser and question she understood he was also a servant of the Raven Queen just in a unusual form, be grungily she teamed up with these strange thing. They would train tougher steal stuff tougher to survive and even grow to like each other . Skarsnik liked her a lot finely some how understand hem and could help hem with the voice in his head but she was also strange someday she would be there and sometime she would just disappear in thin air or show up in random places. Sometimes Skarsnik wonder if she was a figure of his imagination just someone he made up not to be lonely any more. But she seemed so real but also not at the same time. and after they set up an ambush to robe some random adventurers she despaired. But after that failed ambush Skarsnik wasn’t alone any more so maybe she is just Skarsnik imagination or maybe she still out there look for her home and her strange little friend.

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