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Session I: Strange Beginnings Report

General Summary

The party (consisting of Jarghull, Jhone, Karl, Katara and Remi) arrived in Jarkausla by Mustang Alpha. After getting in invitation from Donald B. Fraser. He hired to party to get rid of a unknown monster plaguing the north Quarter. They think to have identified as a Chimera and prepared 1 liter (20 uses), waiting for them at Yiannis Karalakis' store at the remainder price of 1 bottle of wodka, of the appropriate goat blood blade oil. They have successfully retrieved all possible information except failing to talk to Kenneth Bowman. They have received credit cards which have all been loaded with 100,000 CR as pre payment for killing the monster. Earning the other 500,000 CR on completion of the mission. The current balance is listed in the table below. In the Quackey Hotel, Karl managed to seduce the owner, Audrey Levy and in order to get the information for free, struck a deal with Lena Levy to take her with the party the following morning. The party visited the Old School Shank multiple times to buy weapons. Both Silver and steel.   They have acquired a dead eagle for use as bait. Karl acquired a high level security card, namely stolen from Bob Fry, personal security guard of Donald B. Fraser.   In order to get the goat blood, Jhone killed one of the goats of old farmer Daniel Sparks, this ended up getting him a fine of 3000 CR and a is on his criminal record. Pvt. Sergio at the north gate carried out the fine.   The session took a total of 3 days. Starting date 21/06/4402. ending date 23/06/4402
Name CR
Jarghull 99915
Jhone 96995
Karl 99791
Katara 99852
Remi 99985

Rewards Granted

Half of the 1,000,000 CR reward.

Missions/Quests Completed

Scouting on the Chimera species.

Character(s) interacted with

Matthey Cherry Daniel Sparks Virginia Rogers Yiannis Karalakis Lena Levy Audrey Levy Peter Tate + sister Sarah Freeman

Created Content

Plasma Walls, credit card - id system used by consolidated outland
Magnificent Misfits
Report Date
20 Feb 2020
Primary Location

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