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Session X: Manticore Nest Report

General Summary

We took a somewhat decent breakfast in the local inn afterward me and friends, and also the weird girl who was still here. Went to Taegon Pati to ask if he wants to play meat shield (The voices liked that idea.) After that we went to Brain Shalk how told us his parents are selfish more than ones now (the apple didn’t fall far from the tree ) we argued about the price of killing 4 manticore, friends agree to do it for WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too few shinies, also as leader of the group I named friends and I the Magnificent Misfits yes yes. After a quick smart investment (and maybe a shop we can rob later), we went to pick some flowers. After that everything went dark I heard fighting or could been the voices in my head don’t now really. But then by the power of the raven queen and maybe the big guy but mostly the raven queen I got up yess yes. I saw Katara fighting (and defeating) one of the beast by herself I think She saved me ? After a few more second of fighting 1 of the monster fled,( voices in head not happy). I went for a look out position to protect friends and weird girl. The Darkness came again to me and dis time not many voices now just one my queen was calling me. But then I woke up the beast was dead and big guy and small friend told me that Katara saved me (again?) and big guy help a little he said. Afterwards me and my hero check the nest out and we found a wand and shiny rock. Also weird girl captured a baby manticore(good ride/pet?). Friends and I took a little rest and went back to town. It was a fun but painful day I like friends even more now, but after today I think Katara is even better friend maybe even worthy of second leader yess yess. Need to buy better armor luckily the elf is somewhat alive.  
  • skarsnik
  •   This session took place on 20/7/4402.

    Rewards Granted

    Mystery wand
    A jasper gemstone

    Missions/Quests Completed

    Killed the Manticores in their nest

    Character(s) interacted with

    Taegen Padi
    Magnificent Misfits
    Report Date
    08 Apr 2020
    Primary Location

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