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Session XI: Birthday Brunch Report

General Summary

I was having my coffee in peace no problems on the world but then someone stormed in asking for help. Jarghull and a cart were being attacked by werewolfs. What a great start of the day. the battle went pretty smooth, only one fucker came in and bit me right in the neck and the owner of the cart was hurt pretty bad but he survived. Half way through the battle I saw a fire genasi, who was sitting in the cart. a fire genasi?! The owner of the cart seemed to be a magical trader. Because we saved his life he gave us some shitty trades as recompense. I didn’t really care for them. He did mange though to give me some information about a few magical items I was carrying, now that’s something I could use! So now I have a shiny stone that doesn’t do shit, a helmet that has glowy eyes that again doesn’t do shit and a potion that maybe will make me climb like a spider. Great. after that super exciting morning that was for sure waaay better than just sitting in the sun with a fresh coffee and some meditation time. 10/10 please don’t make me do that, that early ever again. After that, we went back to the inn to go grab the bloody heads and my quarterstaff because I noticed it was gone halfway the fight. Sadly though it wasn’t lying in the inn either, I asked Skarsnik about it but he didn’t see it either. I probably just lost it in the bar or something I’ll go looking for it tomorrow. We walked to the lord with our heads under the arm. The lord paid us without problem but he had another problem something with the bakery idk we'll just go and check it out. He also told me I could have my bite checked out at the temple, so I guess that’s my next destination. The nice boy in the temple helped me out, in return he's thinking of some way I could pay him back. I’d help him with anything after saving me like that! Then, for brunch the glorious brunch of Skarsniks first birthday my little friend is turning one, I guess he's a bit older but it was his very first birthday party so lets keep it at one! He didn’t really understand a typical birthday party though, he started giving us gift which was really sweet of him. When I opened my gift I saw my quarterstaff!!? I cant believe he stole my staff!? Wait what he made changes to it, ooh my god this is beautiful! He made these shiny silvers in-linings in my quarterstaff, I just cant stop looking at it its so beautiful! But your supposed to get gifts when its your birthday not give them. I feel kind of guilty because we didn’t get him anything.. We did however have a really nice bonding moment over brunch, thanks to Skarsnik for getting the party together!  
  • Katara
  •   The Session took place during the evening of the 20th and the morning of the 21st of septembruary 4402.

    Rewards Granted

    500 gp, a health potion and a spell scroll

    Missions/Quests Completed

    Turned in the Chimera heads

    Character(s) interacted with

    Lord Brian Chalk
    Tira Farman
    Lihvohvuh Hueltinkrab
    Priest Bren
    Taegen Padi

    Created Content

    Silver Lined Quarterstaff
    Magnificent Misfits
    Report Date
    11 Apr 2020
    Primary Location

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