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Session XIX: I present to you ...!! Report

General Summary

After the fight of my life with a angry blue lizard and fighting our way true a dragon lair we arrived at somewhat nice inn in Biok sadly the people in the inn don’t like or kind whatever that means. F*cking human and there judgmental minds lucky I now my why around simple minds and said we were performers and suddenly he liked us more (the voice are getting more crazy the longer I don’t take my magic prouder they talk a lot about killing ,I even hear my kind of friend say things they would not say to their awesome leader).but we got free room and food yess yess we just need to do some trick so how bad can it be. We went to sleep I went with my co leader to our room and had I nice talk. I didn’t now that speak about how you feel on the inside could be so refreshing for my mind and I think she real cared even after the holl magic power thing she the first person I full trust I think (the voice are calmer around here and even Raven Queen likes here I think)   After we rested we had to keep our promise and do the show, as the most awesome goblin (and leader) of the group I did most of the talking. But everybody was amazing. The acrobatic skill of Omaira and Katara was so breath taking even after seeing them fight almost every day and doing this stuff all the time they were still amazing and elegant. The fake fight between the wired girl and Jarghull showed how great a duo they are it looked scary and dangerous but at the same time nobody got hurt (one voice thought it was somewhat sad nobody got hurt).After the show Ensy got all the attention again even a locale boy was fliting with here but she had to fuck it up again. bye showing everybody her dragon scales and that we are misfits there go’s the plan to attracted less attention to the rest of the group. But after a few drinks we got a roamer about a abounded castles with a wine cellar, yess yess katara and I were happy to hear that so we went to make some fun, the castle was a rekt and the hole place was looted but somehow even drunk I fond a strange book in the upper levels the plot thickens yess yess after some dancing and fooling around we went to the WINE SELLER yess yess we found I nice barrel if I remember read but also a nasty barrel and Katara drunk it, I think I even drunk it what was wrong with me. After some vomiting in my mouth we found a biiiiiiiiiiig jaaar with some funny scribble hheheh there was even a big monster in the fucking basement in my somewhat rage throw a bottle(I hope that it wasn’t a whiskey bottle) in tis face and it run like th e li ttkle bitches ittt is (after that it went somewhat fuzzie) I woke up in the inn with the jar and my lovey co leader. I kind feel paranode about the rest of the party and I feel not myself without the prouder I also dont have get a clear purpose and im feeling scared that my queen is losing fade in me the world is getting bigger and bigger for me and it kind of freaking me out. But its better than the shit hole I started in, and I think a I finely get some respect from some people something I thought I never get.
        (this is written in goblin)
Also before I forget Gala’s is talking more and more to me he is very hard to read but has been honest till now. So I was kind of surprised wen he asked me to go to his house, he has seen me steal a lot of stuff and still he wants me a small scheming gobbo like me. Go to he probably staked house with a lot cool trick items like Remie wand or my dice yess yess. But the one of voices in the back of my head keeps whispering that it’s a trap and that Gala’s is maybe crazy after been lock soooooooo long in the ring. I hope he can’t read dis. Maybe I should teaches some people in the party I trust to read goblin. So we can have some secret message so if some one in the party go mad so we can be prepared. I also haven’t heard something from the thieves guild withs is somewhat strange
Magnificent Misfits
Report Date
05 Aug 2020
Primary Location

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