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Shambling Mound

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shambling mound, plant ogre ? CR: Harder than it had to be

Large large plant, unaligned
Armor Class: For a trained bunches like is somewhat easy(but we are somewhat a dumb trained bunches)
Hit Points: ALOOOOOOT OF SLASH, HIT AND BOLT and fire lot’s of fire
Speed: 30 ft , fly: 0 ft , burrow: 0 ft , swim: 0 ft , climb: 0 ft


18 +4


8 -1


16 +3


5 -3




10 +0

Skills: there pretty stealthy like I said. They are also somewhat cowards and will fake death often when in danger
Damage Resistances: fire seems to do way less than it would to a normal creature it kind of burned there olie plant stuff first before burning them.
Damage Immunities: FOR THE LOVE THE RAVEN QUEEN DON’T USE LIGHTNING, of some reason it do no damage and even heal them so don’t do it we almost lost some one to that mistake
Condition Immunities: Ever thing seems to work
Senses: They kind had eyes but they seem to sense things around them I would say maybe 50 to 60 feet arounded them
Languages: plantish
Challenge Rating: Harder than it had to be


They use there arm to slam there enemies with somewhat goof effect, there most danger move is the have a Engulf, that suffocate the unfortunate soul that gets entangled int there viny surfers

The only way to describe this things is they are a shambling mound of plants moss and vines that are over do.
They are huge even our big boy dragon born looked some normal in size next to it yess yess.
there posture kind looked like that of a troll hunged back head between the shoulders long arms and some what sort legs. And they smell like a un burned peat pit all kinds of wet rotten planes.

Suggested Environments

I think this is kind clear were you going to find these things the swamp of course the camouflage perfect in there. Even there smell machetes with their surrounding (maybe I can even learn some thing or two of these thing)


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