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Mistress Essaerae Falfithil (a.k.a. Sylina)

Sylina (She/Her) is a powerful wizard currently residing in the village of Khenitra on Ur Borm. She, along with her party originates from the planet of Niyephus in the Leski system. She primarily focussend on enchantment magic. She very bubbly and will ask any adventurers coming through what their stories are and is quick to help anyone in need for a little coin.   Sylina used to travel the worlds and the planes searching for powerful magic items and other intriguing things. Eventually they got a lead of a lost city with an extremely powerful artifact in the middle of the storm of Ur Borm. Leading them to set foot there in 4399. Passing through the humble village of Khenitra. Not long later they decided to enter the storm in search of the magical treasure, however with all of the signs of the still growing storm. Something didn't sit right with Sylina. She urged the party to turn back. But they decided they should push on. And Sylina froze because of the pure fear as she saw her party disappear in front of her eyes. Unable to see or contact her party. She feared the worst. She immediately ran back towards the village for help, arriving wounded and exhausted. But nobody was able to help. There was nothing that could be done. So she decided to stay in case they ever made their way out.   Sylina's party, named Quorum Luna, consisted of:
  • Illitran (He/Him), a male elven paladin
  • Paeris (They/Them), a non-binary elven ranger
  • Amara (She/They), a female elven cleric
  • Barg (He/Him), a male goliath barbarian
  • Agate (Xe/Xem), a gender neutral earth-water genasi hybrid druid
Current Location
Year of Birth
4302 PE 103 Years old
Emerald Green and sky blue
Long Undercut blonde, curly or braided
1.7 m
62 kg

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