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The Slaad of Kghrth

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The Slaad of Krgth CR: The seems as deathly as their cousins but they seem smart and cunning

Medium i don’t know what they are aberration or half humanoid but they seem to be special , neutral evil
Armor Class: There skin is slippery with make some hit glances of over all not that hard but still something to keep in mind
Hit Points: Not predicably hard to kill but would seem the heal in the moment
Speed: 30 ft


20 +5


15 +2


18 +4


7 -2


7 -2


9 -1

Skills: There attacks seem to be infect people they attacked with some kind of tadpole similar to mindflyer but more frog like and this don’t seem to go to your head and Axton trick seem to fix the problem
Languages: They speak like tinkel witches is some what unusual seems like most aberration have this ability.
Challenge Rating: The seems as deathly as their cousins but they seem smart and cunning

Green one cast spell fire bolt’s I don’t know other about other trick’s

Slaad looks like monster frog they walk on two leg and have sharp claws They have a lot of different color’s as far as I know there are blue, red and greens the greens one’s seemed interesting the can cast magic the blue ones are the strongest and red is fastest

Suggested Environments

I heard some story of these outside the storm but never saw them but the don’t seem to be bother by the strom just like all the other aberration but if I would ques swamp area or jungle would be suitable for the wet skins


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