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Will o' Wisps

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will o wisp CR: 2

Tiny undead, chaotic evil
Armor Class: They are small and verry verry quick hitting them with a ranged weapon is near impossible if you’re not awesome yess yess. Even hitting them with a melee weapon is like playing korg bu (in common it somewhat know as pain ball of suffer ball) but in hard mode
Hit Points: This one is hard because I killed TWO of them with 1 critical shot but I would say 3 sword swipes and a bolt or other magical means
Speed: 0 ft , fly: 50 ft , burrow: 0 ft , swim: 0 ft , climb: 0 ft , can hover


1 -5


28 +9


10 +0


13 +1


14 +2


11 +0

Damage Resistances: No magical weapons are less effective so come prepared our weird dragon came prepared and did something strange with her fire and it seemed to work great !!!!
Damage Immunities: I’m not a smart goblin by any means especially if you look at a goblin like Measiez but I think you can’t poison light but im gonna ask her just to be sure.
Condition Immunities: Same for a lot of other tricks we have stunning light seems also hard to or knock it prone. And don’t try and put light a sleep it doesn’t work
Senses: no eyes so the senses stuff probably true magic means, so no use in being sneaky.
Languages: Common ? or in at least in limited capability. (but creepy as fuck according to Katara)
Challenge Rating: 2


Don’t be fooled by their size they hit like mini lightning strikes we almost lost 2 of our party because of that. Also be watches full of any one going down near these little bastards they will suck the remaining life out your friends so first priority is keeping them conscious at all cost. And most imported of all don’t follow them ever it a bad idea Omaira seemed verry serious about it so I’m giving you this tip as well. don’t do it

Ball of light it seems there prefer color is a warm yellow white but they possibly are able to change the color. They are small and seem somewhat nice ( a bit like me but I’m actually nice) but they are evil. Also Bonfire told me there was ora of mystery surrounding the creature like you had to follow it.         I also have been thinking if the shambling mount heal’s when hit by lighting does that means they are the natural predator of these thing withes is to mee the funniest thing I can think of. a uber deathly place where even plants hunt down floating light just to make it more shity

Suggested Environments

Only seen in swamp for now but I think it fair to presume they are found in place were people die or place with a lot of fog (FUCK FOG) or a genial mysterious vibe other than that they are little ball’s of intrigue


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