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Also called Aspect of Death, The Black Scourge or Deathwing.   Said to be one of the primal Titans, created by the gods in their image. One of the perfect beings. Created with the name Neltharion by Tiamat, as a Primal Titan of a dragon. To rule all dragons. A magnificent red dragon, the only primal Titan in dragon form. But like all Titans, they eventually rivaled the power of the Gods. Much to the dismay of those Gods. And thus the first war broke out. The war came and the war went. But Neltharion made a deal with Bhaal. And thus The Worldbreaker hid, he hid for eons inside the planet of Korriban. Secretly serving Bhaal. Slowly changing, corrupting by the foul undead energies, becoming part of the land.  
    Until the time came, thousands of years later. The Great Dragon War, The Worldbreaker broke free from the planet. Awakened in a lich like titan form. Using it's power to destroy. Combining his power with the blessings of Bhaal, god of death, most chromatic dragons followed him and most metallic dragons that didn't escape his grasp fell beneath his claws and devastating breath. It didn't take long for him and his army to leave the planet and seek other victims. Thecrarvis. Cehiri. Louphus. All were destroyed, their remains left to float in the astral sea.   This grabbed the attention of the other gods, but Bhaal, now fueled by the power granted through Deathwing's rampage was unstoppable. Killing planets, gods, races, civilizations, everything they found on their way. His army split out across the multiverse to conquer everything. In order to stop this, powerful wizards created the The 5 Orbs of Dragonkind. These artifacts were able to stop some of Deathwing's army but with Bhaal and Deathwing still alive there was no way of stopping it. Bhaal schemed to kill his brothers and sisters and take over The Old Pantheon.  
    And so Pelor tasked Ioun to create a plan to stop them. Whilst making a plan wasn't very hard for the goddess of information. Executing it, however, was a different challenge. A team was formed, consisting of Ioun herself, her daughter Cybele, and the 3 most powerful magic wielders of that time: Mordenkainen, Spark and Elora Ennala. They would perform a ritual that would chain Bhaal and eventually destroy him. This would weaken Deathwing leaving him vulnerable to physical damage and taking a fragment of his physical power. But they needed heroes to destroy him, once and for all. And so they called forth the most powerful heroes and brought them to complete the task.  
  • Arwin the young
  • Fareesu
  • Rozun 'The Dark Sentinel
  • Solomon
  • Crylar, The great
  These 5 heroes fought hard in a far away place to set each Orb of Dragonkind. The first one, green in colour, was quite easy to set. But this attracted the attention of Deathwing. Who quickly flew over in just a flew flaps of it's enormous wings. But Mordekainen was quick to protect the battlefield with our heroes in it. Conjuring a large dome-shield which kept Deathwing at bay. Deathwing was not very happy to see this and immediately started attacking the shield.   But our heroes were smarter and better, they were able to set all the orbs. Defeating their foes that stood in their way and solving the puzzles that blocked their path. After setting the final orb, Deathwing was able to break through, but he was weakened. He shrunk in size and in power. Meanwhile Elora had ascended to goddess of death by defeating Bhaal. Making Deathwing even less powerful. But he was still a primal titan and undead. So the first Dracolich fought hard to try and stop the ritual but it was too late. Luckily the heroes were able to stop him, but in his final moments Deathwing's power exploded from within his body. This destroyed him but also caused a rift. (Luckily all of our heroes were able to make it out alive.) Making it shrouded in mystery to this day.   Some people still claim Deathwing remains there, his soul scattered across the land. Pieces of his power imbued in pieces of his armor and pieces of the land itself. But no one ventures there as no one should. You will probably die before you get there.
Date of Setting
843 AE
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