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"Noodle Snoodle" Northern Geese

Cute name. Living, flying, nightmares. Fantastic for keeping your garden pest-free.

In every town of Theydim, there is at least one family who keep a flock of northern geese, nicknamed "noodle snoodles" all year long, while others may have a flock return every spring to their gardens or orchards.

Geographic Distribution and Domestication Attempts

In general, the birds spend spring and summer in the northern lands of Theydim and fly south in the late fall to NameThisPlaceLaterButIsOnSupercontinentA.

The birds are impressionable, and if a flock lands and springs in an area, they may be encouraged to return year after year, or may stay all year long if the people tend to them well enough to encourage the flock. Some flock-keepers will clip the wings of their flocks, though most do not and may instead encourage the geese to move into a goose-house or among the chickens in large chicken coop houses.

Domesticated geese will honk an alert if they detect an intruder, particularly predators attempting to break into the coops.

Physical Description

"Noodle snoodles" are large birds with long necks and larger wings. The ends of their tails and wings are often tipped in white and the white spreads as the bird ages. Ganders generally have a slight crest of longer feathers on their head, making their heads larger than the goose while being larger in wing and body size, but shorter legged.

Economic Uses


Like any other kind of goose, the northern geese produce eggs in the spring. These eggs are valuable as an ingredient or for starting a local flock. When used as an ingredient, the eggs are generally preferred over a chicken's egg for their rich flavor or their size.

The geese are also edible in themselves, though most who keep a flock eat the birds ending their prime due to the bird's value for their feathers or gardening uses.


Each spring, the geese molt their feathers. They are grounded and unable to fly during this time, though clever farmers have cultivated their lands to be welcoming to spring-arriving geese to land and safely molt. Others have a flock stay all year round.

Gardening and farms

"Noodle Snoodles" are commonly welcomed in the spring by orchard-keepers and gardeners to pluck out the seeds and fresh greens of weeds and other plants that may try to grow among the grown plants. Among the greens, and unlike other geese, the northern geese will also eat bugs. Their northern environments encourage a more omnivorous diet during extended winters or the occasional dry winter. Their waste is generally valuable for composting, and some who maintain a flock year-round will bring buckets in to trade with their neighbors for other goods.

10-24 years
Average Height
2-3 feet
Average Length
3-4 feet
4-6 feet
An average of 40 mph
Can increase to 70 mph with a tailwind
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Lyraine Alei, Midjourney


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