
A dial-priest is an extremely powerful wizard or sorcerer from an ancient sect that dates back 100,000 years. Dial-priests practice Hyrr magic, which is a union of divine and arcane powers that focuses on magic of binding and protection. It is common for a dial-priest to take the Vow of Neerav, which forbids them from learning or practicing any offensive magic. The first dial-priest was Gol the Panoptic, an ancient human who founded the Golenic Order and oversaw the creation of every dial in Corporeus.   While the dial-priests originated with the Golenic Order, they have since branched off into two sects and a large number of independent practitioners. A total of roughly forty dial-priests exist in the entirety of Corporeus.   The Hymn's Children are the largest group, containing roughly twenty dial-priests and associated strongly with the West Moon. These priests make up a largely ceremonial institution that trains new members from birth and strongly adheres to the Vow of Neerav. Despite the magical prowess of their members, these dial-priests will not engage in armed conflict of any kind. The Hymn's Children largely maintain the many dials of Corporeus, performing maintenance on the Planar Cruxes and ensuring the strength of each dial's enchantments.   The Chosen of Gol are a smaller, militant group of dial-priests number less than ten at any time. The Chosen regularly make contracts with superpowers such as the city-state of Zivilon to operate the Ussos Gate or perform other tasks deemed unsightly or sacrilegious to other dial-priests, such as assassinations.   The remaining dozen dial-priests operate independently from these two groups, whether by moral disagreement or convenience. It is common for these priests to take on dangerous mercenary contracts for the promise of gold and fame, leading some of these members to have attained great influence. One such dial-priest, Dargon Hightide, also sits as a member of the Lords of the High Throne.   The number of dial-priests has steadily dwindled over the ages, as their kind have been the target of many killings and persecutions over the ages.