Purgoran Shield

The Purgoran Shield is the divine barrier crafted by the Gods of the Fore to allow the existence of all life in Corporeus. Upon its creation in the Age of the Chalice, the children of the first gods began to establish themselves in worlds of their own making. It was at that time that the Age of Heart began, and the term "Corporeus" began to see widespread use; there was now a "within" and a "without" distinct enough to merit a term defining existence itself. Outside of the Purgoran Shield now sit the vast infinities of Incorporeus and Vacuos.   Almost every world created by gods or mortals lies within the Purgoran Shield. The three exceptions to this rule are the Materium and its siblings the Feywild and Shadowfell: the youngest and most complex of all the worlds. Considered cursed by some, those worlds are not afforded many of the protections and technologies that grace the worlds inside the Shield. Folklore also describes an inevitable end to these worlds despite them all being protected by their own dials, at least until the Lightfall shattered the dial around the Materium.   Hundreds of thousands of years after the Purgoran Shield's completion, mortals of the Golenic Order created the first of the dials. These each encompassed one world, binding it with powerful contracts reminiscent of the Shield's magics. As an echo of the Purgoran Shield, each dial was able to afford its residents the safety and security that the burgeoning worlds deeply needed.