Session V - The Devious Plant

5th of Derima, 560 AL

Session date: 5/7/23
After hiding away at the Ram's Horn to avoid the authorities at the Six Guilds, the party discusses their findings. Denogus Erinyes, Melinoe's father, bribed a guild engineer to fire their ballista. The bolt then homed into Servius the dial-priest, killing him instantly. The party quickly decides that they must investigate Denogus further to figure out his motives. Melinoe is somewhat estranged from her family and is not fully aware of their goings-on. They rest for the night to tackle the problem the next day.   In the morning, multiple party members receive messages from the Kaath Mirror in the tavern below. It is a telepathic voice echoing in their minds for each message with them as a target. They head downstairs to eat breakfast and answer their messages in the Mirror. Melinoe has an additional message: a coerced invitation from her mother to rejoin their family at dinner that night. She guilts her daughter by telling her that she has been gone for quite some time and that they'd love to see her.   Melinoe agrees, knowing that the dinner presents an opportunity to investigate her father.  
"He'd ask for payment, 'cause nothing comes free."Melinoe
  The rest of the messages are identical notifications of gold payments for the party's services in the Stormfall Invasion. They will be paid in full for an entire campaign's wage, on top of any significant achievement bonuses. The communications officer, a human named Nathan Tremline, tells them to pick up their pay at the High Throne offices.   The party makes a quick stop there, where they claim a large sum of gold for their troubles at the invasion. They see injured soldiers desperately claiming their dues, all clamoring for relatively paltry sums compared to the party's wages.  
  After leaving the offices, the party decides to prepare for the dinner that night. They buy supplies and carouse about the city in search of a magic item shop. They find an obscure underground storefront named the "Dagger on Shadow", manned by a strangely average-looking human man named Felix. The interior of the shop is a massive underground palace that seems mostly abandoned. The shopkeeper greets them warmly but seems to be uncomfortable in the form that he is in. The party negotiates hefty discounts for armor and weapons. Strattora commissions a cursed crown of sapphire and dragon scales that will make the wearer more susceptible to persuasion. They plan to give it to Melinoe's mother that night.  
  Spending another half day in the city, dusk eventually falls over Zivilon. They head to the noble estates near the Vaulted Tower and split up. Strattora and Melinoe dress in beautiful finery to attend the dinner while the rest of the party flies above the estates to sneak onto the rooftop.   The pair are let into Melinoe's house, which has noticeably aged since she has last seen it. They are greeted by Melinoe's mother Page, who is a stately older woman. They sit for dinner.   Page is extremely manipulative towards Melinoe, telling her that she should rejoin the family to help them save face among the other nobles. After all, if there is no heir to their family, their legitimacy is in question. She drives the knife in by telling Melinoe that she owes it to the family for "what she did". She threatens to tell Strattora what that is, but Melinoe stops her before she can continue. She repeatedly refuses to take them to see Denogus.   Strattora remains calm and presents the cursed circlet to Page. She marvels at its beauty and agrees to wear it. Page is immediately put under their spell, agreeing to take the pair up to see Denogus in his study. The pair dismiss her there and she agrees, spellbound by the cursed item.   They approach the study's entrance. Denogus is there, telling them to go away. Melinoe immediately reveals that they know of his actions at the Six Guilds. He changes his tune, inviting them inside and immediately attacking them. He quickly reveals that he is not the true Denogus: he is a disguised plant creature that has replaced Melinoe's father. The creature immediately attacks them, hoping to silence the two of them before the secret gets out.  
As combat breaks out in the study, the party on the rooftop immediately breaks into the estate through the windows. A short skirmish occurs in close quarters.  
"The old man sent his lackey? You will die as well!""Denogus"
  The plant Denogus is a sinewy creature composed of blood-red vines that can cast various natural magics. He spawns massive insects that harry the party. Outmaneuvering the bugs, the party defeat and destroy the plant Denogus.   After the fight, a treasure trove of valuables and evidence are found in the study. They specifically mention a "Doctor" that is presumed to be the creator of these plant creatures. They also confirm that this plant imposter was the one that set in motion the plot to shut down the Ussos Gate. With a huge amount of papers, journals, and leaflets, the party flee back to the Ram's Horn before they can be spotted.  
We have succeeded. The Gate has fallen.