Session XXII - The Seaside Manor

13th of Tororima, 560 AL

Session date: 2/24/23
Overlooking the vaporous waters of the steam plane, the party arrives at the gate to the Altin Estate. It is a large cliffside property on a peninsula to the south of Kalmassari. Three buildings fill the property skyline: a broad, crumbling estate, a dilapidated temple, and a tall blue-roofed tower facing the water.   Gingerly, the party opens the gate to the estate to discover a bevy of plants and weeds that have overtaken the place. They decide to investigate the temple first.  
  The temple seems to be devoted to the sea goddess Nerei, or at least one of her children. Mermaid sculptures adorn the walls and arches of the aged building.   Strattora leads a prayer to Nerei, giving water to her companions to have them wash their hands.   The majority of the temple seems to be destroyed or ransacked. While the walls still mostly stand, almost all interior furniture has been reduced to rubble and splinters. Two altar rooms with ocean motifs remain untouched, as though the attackers spared them specifically. Little else can be found within the rubble, save for a few spared pieces of furniture in a southern quarter.   Moving now to the tall tower, the party contends with an arcane lock on its exterior door. They dispel it and pick the lock, entering the tower's ground floor. It seems to be a wizard's library, full of various reading material on the goddess Nerei and related subjects. A large broken ship's anchor is bolted to the stone floor behind a reinforced stone platform. Flanking the platform is a marble statue of a fish emerging from a seashell.   Astra spots a hole in the ceiling that fits the platform exactly, pre-emptively flying through it to scout out the rest of the tower. They carry Flint up with them for good measure.   Meanwhile, the rest of the party discovers that the fish statue has a measure of sentience. It asks them to procure the deed of the property to operate the "lift". Strattora shows it the document and it nods approvingly, telling them to gesture upwards or downwards to operate the lift. With those instructions, the lift is sent flying upwards at breakneck speed as it shuttles each remaining party member through the tower.   The rest of the tower has various library floors, as well as experimental chambers, crystal storage, and cluttered furniture-filled spaces. A second tower is attached to the main column, and it seems to contain the quarters of the tower's wizard owner.   At the top of the tower, the lift stops. There, a sunlit room contains only a raised dais with a cerulean crystal ball sitting in a clasp atop it. Near the floor, an arcane-locked glass display case contains a small glass fishbowl with a pale blue goldfish swimming in the uncomfortably small space. The fish flees into the darkness as they approach.  
"That fish could be God for all we know." Melinoe
  Astra casts speak with animals and converses with the fish. It introduces itself as Psamathe and says that it has been trapped here by a foul gnomish wizard. It explains that its true form has an aquatic body with tentacles, but can breathe air as well. The goldfish wants to be free of its prison, and the party decides to try to oblige.   Cornelius attempts to plunge a mage hand into the bowl's waters to retrieve the fish. Strangely, the hand cannot quite grasp it from within, the waters constantly pushing the fish away from each grasp. Melinoe and Cornelius then attempt to dispel the protective enchantments surrounding the bowl. Melinoe banishes the magic and the fishbowl shatters.   A raucous, triumphant laughter fills the room. The goldfish's voice deepens as it unfurls into its true form: a tall and imposing female marid clad in segmented chitinous armor with shell-like claws worn on her watery hands. Her skirt is a collection of strange squid-like tentacles that carry her, her watery lower half never touching the ground. Her eyes burn with a purple thrumming energy.  
The marid, whose name is indeed Psamathe, converses now with the party as they attempt to prevent her escape. They come to a standstill when she tells them that she can escape from the barriers that they attempt to place on her.   When questioned about the other marid that they met that killed Strattora's mother, Psamathe tells the party that he was once a servant of Psamathe's in her order, the Kin of the Waves. Additionally, his true name is Suman. Psamathe immediately expresses interest when they tell her that he was able to grant his own wish.   Cornelius asks the marid if she can see all that happens within the waters. Psamathe tells him that any great bodies of water and any coast is her purview. Cornelius then continues, asking her if she knows anything about the Sea of Glass. Melinoe quickly cuts him off to avoid revealing their knowledge of the Fatestone, exchanging barbs with the marid as she asks for more information about his request.  
"It is fitting that a worshipper of a dead god would have such shattered self-esteem."Psamathe
    Flint interjects to ask about her powers to grant wishes. Psamathe tells him that she can certainly do so if an accord has been made. Psamathe offers to grant Flint a wish in exchange for himself. Though his soul is "tainted", according to her, she can still use his body.   The party immediately protest the decision, imploring Flint to think further about the decision. Psamathe tells him that she will wait until nightfall. Then, he will walk into the Bay of Rebirth and come to her.   The marid drifts out of the tower's northern window and smiles at the party as she floats into the warm bay waters.  
"Bitch." Strattora
Flint takes the next hour to deliberate on the decision. He explains the pain that he felt when he was resurrected from death:    
"Not a single person has asked how I am after I died." Flint
    Flint also explains his torn identity: promised to one god by fate and another by oath. Opposing forces vying for his soul and giving him little agency.  
"I think the answer is to go out on my terms." Flint
  He receives various forms of counsel and criticism from the party.  
"You are no longer in my mother's employ, so I cannot tell you what to do. But I ask you as a friend. Don't do this." Strattora
"I told you in the beginning what kind of character I had. Yet you are here acting more selfishly. More stupidly." Melinoe
"I know I'm not a person of action. I am one of those that uses my words. I do apologize for that. If you do need to make a decision, make sure that it is one that you are certain of." Cornelius
"I've come to know you as a friend. A friend that I am sorry to have hurt." Strattora
Flint takes a moment to commune with his patrons within a grassy patch of ruined farmstead on the estate. Strattora watches from afar.   He first contacts Vedem, who appears as a grassy mouth on the earth due to his lack of influence in the plane. Vedem gives Flint a gentle hand of encouragement, telling him that he understands. The Boglord continues, telling his paladin that the trees of Kalmassari grow whether by a guiding hand, wild growth, or even blood.  
"I'll miss you." Flint
  The Grovekeeper's manifestation sinks back into the wet earth.   Flint then slams his war hammer in a fiery gesture, a proclamation to summon his other patron.   Bursting from the ground in a gout of fire, the goddess of fire and wine manifests in full. Her aura is blinding, the heat of it wilting and killing all nearby plant life. The ground itself begins to melt under her heat. Synedda manifests as a tall, tan woman wearing a red and gold cloak. Her eyes are filled with divine fire, and her black hair flows as liquid flame.   She speaks to Flint, telling him that she knows his plight. He is attempting to bring back the "Kyrian angel" formerly known as Kirasum Acari. She calls Flint her champion.   Synedda continues, explaining that his soul is tethered to her. No sea witch can claim him while their tether remains. That said, if he did wish to make the accord, his body would likely be changed forever and he'd spent years under the thrall of Psamathe. Her wish-making power is not something that the goddess herself would offer, for the risks are far too great.   Flint thanks the goddess and leaves to contemplate his decision.   She tells Flint that her fire is meant to warm, but for him, it burns.  
Atop the seaside tower, Melinoe looks out upon the Bay of Rebirth and places a hand in her holy symbol in prayer to the West Moon.   For the first time in years, a crystal-clear vision unfolds before her.   She sees a man and woman in antiquated garb arguing vehemently with each other. They wear the same garb that Strattora saw in her own glimpse of the pair. This time, however, the vision continues.
A sprawling mountaintop overtakes Melinoe's view. Three figures are fighting there; the woman, another smaller man, and the towering man from the vision wielding a massive sword. The smaller man fends the larger off with a small shield and a bright spear. The woman, draped in a white robe, blasts spells at the larger man. Each of their blows falls like thunder, rocking the mountainside. Their strength and countenance are divine.   The shield-wielder is struck down in a fell blow by the assailant's greatsword. As the killer approaches the woman to finish her, she aims a frigid bolt at his sword. It shatters into pieces in his hands and his large form collapses into the ground.   Melinoe sees the woman slowly approach the man's body, thinking him defeated. All at once, he springs up, pulling from the earth a great black spear. He skewers the woman with it and lifts her high above his head in triumph. She screams in agony as he tosses his two slain enemies off the mountainside.   The vision abruptly ends as Melinoe snaps to reality. She recognizes the mountains from an obscure text that she read with the Tuiron researcher. They are the Antheiads; said to have existed in the Plane of Storms at one point. How such mountains could exist in a plane with only a handful of floating islands is a mystery.   She relays this information to Strattora, who tells her of her vision weeks ago. The pair theorize that they are witnessing the North Wind and the West Moon. The powers are trying to reach out to them.  
Dusk falls upon the estate.   Cornelius spends the day's last light reading a journal that he found while searching the estate. It appears to be a log of the progressive downfall of the estate and the group that inhabited it. They were searching for the Vedanta, a mythical water body connecting all other bodies in Corporeus. Deep ties to Nerei drove a nobleman from Gardenholm to build the estate and spend six years searching for the Vedanta. It would never be found, and the nobleman would one day walk into the water.   Flint has final words with Strattora and Cornelius. Strattora tells him that his fate has always been his own. He asks if she respects him. She tells him that she respects him for who he is.   Cornelius asks him what dying is like.
"It's a bit jarring." Flint "Hopefully I don't have to go through that too." Cornelius "By the gods, I hope so." Flint
  The party gathers at the shoreline as Flint approaches the water, now shrouded in a steamy darkness. Psamathe's form rises out of the waters to face him, beckoning her clawed fingers into the bay.   Flint steps forward and speaks out.   He rejects the offer of his body for the wish, telling Psamathe that he has things to do here still.   The Marid turns her head up at him. Wordlessly, she turns her heel and drifts beneath the waves.  
Exhausted, the party seeks out rest for the night. Inside the manor, they find a cooked meal waiting for them. A neighbor has taken care of the place, offering them a traditional meal of stews, fruits, and fish. A note on the kitchen counter reads:   "Welcome to the estate, friends! I am Temir Torun. Your neighbor! I have care-taken this place for some time. There was an attack some years ago that claimed much of this place. Apologies for the disarray! I live in the short blue house just south. I hope to meet you one day! Please enjoy these refreshments."   The party ravishes the food in the kitchen.   Sated, they gather together in the ruined ballroom, lay out their cots, and sleep.