Synedda (sih-NEH-duh)

Synedda is the Nornod goddess of fire and wine. She is one of the Gods of the Fore said to have been created at the very founding of existence. Worship of Synedda is prominent throughout almost every plane in existence, especially those associated with fire and earth. Nornodheim official worship centers heavily around both Synedda and Vedem Alla as counterparts to the inner faces of a genasi's soul. Her holy symbol is a golden vase reflecting flames.   As one of the oldest and most powerful of the Walking Gods, Synedda has played an active role throughout thousands of years of history, from the construction of the first plane to her direct intervention in the War of Close Flame. This has often led to mixed or even disastrous results for her direct descendants, evidenced by her 10,000 year banishment from her own people at the end of the aforementioned war.   Synedda's realm is the Palace of Revelry, where she is said to live with her lover Meliae. The goddess of wine and the goddess of banquets host divine celebrations there, gathering their godly brethren for discussions of great import during impossibly delicious feasts. Old Nornod legends speak of great heroes that were invited to the Palace at the end of their lives and elevated to godhood by the pair.
