The Crux

At the very center of Corporeus lies the Crux. Surrounded by a handful of godly realms and barriers, it is the heart of arcane and divine power outside of the Lumin Path itself. In the Age of the Chalice, it was here that the first gods were born from the golden light that dripped from the Lumin Path.    As there is no path or portal to the Crux, almost no mortals have ever seen it or know of its true nature. It is known, however, that the Planar Cruxes that bind each dial to its world are faint mortal copies of the Crux itself, much like the mortal invention of the dial imitating the properties of the Purgoran Shield.   The far-fetched tales from those that claim to have ventured to the Crux through the passages of Chorus recall a blinding, brilliant golden light as bright as the Lumin Path but concentrated in just a few hundred feet of spherical energy. Some stories say that the Crux inhabits a vast palace populated by every god in Corporeus. The Nornods of the plane of stone believe that the Crux lies within the Palace of Revelry, the marriage-home of Synedda and Meliae.