The North Wind

Far above the clouds in Zivilon, the chilling North Wind blows. It is one of the three Lost Gods of Corporeus, having never been witnessed by mortal eyes. The North Wind's domain is change, travel, and fair weather. While its presence is associated with positive tidings in some planes, others believe that the cold wind is an omen of bad things to come. It makes itself known to its followers as a strong, formless breeze that brings trinkets or messages to the faithful. Its holy symbol is a cluster of three encircling gusts of wind.   The North Wind has never manifested in a physical form, but some believe that its focal point lies in the Melatan ward of Saltant. There is a statue's ruined base there that once depicted an Attrachti prince. Its position north of Zivilon has led some to believe that the wind begins there.   Strattora Acari has held the North Wind as her cleric patron for many years.  


  The North Wind has, for many millennia, heralded change throughout Corporeus. Some soldiers from Zivilon swear that they always feel a strong gale from the north just before setting out for battle. Sailors and mystics in the planes of water use the Wind's presence as a guide. Even those skeptical of the North Wind's presence recognize that throughout history, the strong northern winds have always heralded moments of great upheaval.  


  As the North Wind has never appeared before any mortal in a physical form, its worshippers are few and far between. Esoteric cults and scattered organizations worship it as a primal force of entropy. These groups are most frequently found in the planes of storms and air, such as the Mith'Missos of Zivilon. Due to its shapeless nature, many in Zivilon and the wider spaces of Corporeus believe that the North Wind was one of the Prideful who punished mortals during the Ages of Anguish, thus explaining its absence. Worship of the deity is often met with derision or offense within the planes of storms, dust, and air.   There is no unifying creed of the worshippers of the North Wind. Some believers, such as the Kurokarr of the plane of air, believe that the god's followers should enact chaos in its name. Others simply believe that there is positivity in change and that it should be facilitated.   Despite this uncertainty, two small shrines to the god exist in Zivilon, maintained by anonymous volunteers who pray there for reassurance before long travels.  



The Prince of Giants

  The ruined statue in Saltant that depicts the Attrachti prince Tremoc is thought by some to be the source of the North Wind. Tremoc lived six thousand years ago, during the waning years of the Attrachti storm giant culture. The Attrachti were legendary obsessives about their studies, going to great lengths to research new technologies for farming, construction, and runeweaving.   Prince Tremoc the Bound was one such obsessive. The third prince of the royal Attrachti family, Prince Tremoc delved into vast wells of knowledge from a young age. He became a famed occult scribe that regularly held audiences with gods and goddesses.   In his later years, the prince would hear a voice in the wind. It was a voice of death, urging him to release a powerful creature from captivity. The prince sought out the imprisoned Sesothe: the first skyserpent. A creature of unimaginable size and malice, Sesothe had been in captivity for hundreds of years. Heeding the voice, Prince Tremoc released the serpent from its cage. It wreaked havoc across Greater Zivilon for days, eventually settling on the island that would become Saltant.   It would later become clear why the voice would ask for such a thing. The plane of storms was soon attacked by the full force of the newly founded Chaos Furnaces in the plane of fire. The serpent destroyed the invading force with three mighty lashings of its white tail. Though the creature was later ousted by the Attrachti, the actions of Prince Tremoc would be hailed as a divine prophecy manifested by his words. The wind's voice would never again make itself heard by the prince.  

Wind Over Sea

  Just north of Thrahin, the great Bay of Whales stretches its green waters thousands of miles northward. The vast Thra'doloran Rift on the sea's surface transports sailors and merchant ships to Greater Kalmassari in the plane of steam. From the southernmost point of the Bay of Whales to the Rift, three hundred miles of water lie between. This sea is populated by massive feeding carnivores that gorge themselves on the detritus from the many fertile rivers nearby. Sailors who frequent the trade route call it the "Bloody Byway".   It is said that when the North Wind blows its chilled breezes down the Byway, sailors will face a much slower, safer trip. The headwind will slow the ship down, but the wind always wards off the deadliest of the sea creatures. For this reason, any experienced sailor in the Bay of Whales will prefer a cold headwind over a warm tailwind in those waters.   A great many researchers from Kalmassari have tried to make sense of the phenomenon, but the truth of it has always eluded them.
