The West Moon

The West Moon is the god of fate and prophecy. It is one of the three Lost Gods, manifested not as an individual but as the only constant celestial body throughout every world within the Purgoran Shield. While other moons, suns, and stars exist as refractions of various planes and barriers, the West Moon hangs unmoving, darkened only by the Shadowfell that gradually eclipses it every month. Its holy symbol is a dark crescent moon.   Superstition surrounding the West Moon runs deep throughout most of Corporeal civilization. In Zivilon, citizens often associate it with positive events, viewing the West Moon more as a symbol of fortune; when the Moon is full, deeds will be successful and life will be blessed. When the Moon is dark, one must simply wait to act until its light can be seen again or else face ill tidings. In the stable planes associated with earth or water, folk often simply believe that the West Moon is an omen of bad luck.   Despite the relative popularity of these superstitions, worship of the West Moon is not performed in any official capacity in Zivilon. There are no temples or shrines to the deity, and any such offering would likely prompt vandals or city officials to remove it. Followers of Tuir and Calydon are especially egregious in this intolerance, as they believe that there is no merit in the worship of a god that may not even exist.
