Haliax Stormblessed Character in Corrane | World Anvil
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Haliax Stormblessed

Haliax Stormblessed

Haliax is a young, but well learned, dwarf wizard obsessed with the creation and manipulation of known magic to create new effects. He has conjured the spirit of Yasnah Kholin into his Tressym familiar and she spurs his growth above all else.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Stocky, wide, like a dwarf. Though compared to other dwarves his height he is rather petite.

Body Features

Rounded off.

Facial Features

Mutton Chops and an enormous Pince-nez

Identifying Characteristics

Always reddened nose, like he's just on the verge of a cold.

Physical quirks

Despite walking like he stumbles all the time, nearly never falls down

Apparel & Accessories

Dresses in purple, big poofy hat, effervescent quill

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Haliax was born the son of a wealthy merchant lady, Lady Egwayne Lockless and her artisan husband Arlidax Stormblessed in the city of Silnestad in Pandora. He is the only child of the two, their work keeping them too busy to rear any siblings for him. Unusual for a Dwarf, Haliax was always a homebody. He snuck out to libraries and worked in his father's workshops to earn coin to buy books. His father thought he was learning the trade and using the books to broaden his skills in smithing and brewery, but that was none such the case. Haliax was enamored with magic -- the mechanics of it, the science of it, the wonderful, wonderful math! This was in stark opposite to his father, whose wonderful weapons and brews, the pride of their extended family, were all family recipes and made more by feeling than any formula. But Haliax never had a knack for such haphazard artistry. In this he was very dwarfy -- a concrete explanation is the best explanation.   Haliax, always in his books, did not have too much time for friends. He had cousins and schoolmates who he, looking back, would consider acquaintances and who tried to be his friends. But they rarely had the same interests he did, and so he could just as rarely connect with them.   The first spell Haliax was able to suss out from dusty old tome he'd dug out from a travelling book merchant's wares was Find Familiar. A very important spell for any wizard, so the stories told! Your familiar is not just your ally, but the kind of familiar you summon is integral to your being. It represents what's best suited for you -- your growth, your demeanor, and your connection to those of legend!   Well, Haliax stumbled upon summoning Yasnah Kholin. An ages old, and ages storied, archmage in her own right. A developer of many unique spells, so many of which she took with her to the grave.   Unfortunately for Haliax, Yasnah is a very demanding familiar. She scolds and chides him, and pushes him to live up to her standards -- she will not be ordered around by some halfwit wizard who couldn't be trusted to catalogue her memoirs! And so, not too long after, Yasnah beckoned Haliax onto the guild of her aged history -- The Minds Eye guild, to meet her long time friend and former pupil Reshi Aidolin.   Much to Yasnah's delight, Haliax was quite eager to rove out in search of true wizardry. He has an insatiable thirst for knowledge. He wants to know everything there is to know in the world, from technology to magic to history. And, what's more, wants to create some of his own. Ever since joining the Guild, Haliax has obtained the knowledge and resources and means to dabble in his own brands of magic, tinkering and twisting the magical formulas to his own purposes. This gift of his may be the only thing he's done that's earned praise from his ever snobby shoulder Tressym mentor.

Gender Identity





Largely self taught, Haliax learned the basics of spell construction through informative texts that described the fundamental formulae of wizardry along with a couple of spell scrolls he spent all his saved up money on. Since then he has visited several libraries and perused the resources of the Minds Eye guild to further his magical eduction.


Minds Eye Guild

Accomplishments & Achievements

Haliax has not created any truly unique spells yet, but through understanding magical formulae he has improvised minor adjustments to existing spells by successfully altering their underlying mathematical properties.

Failures & Embarrassments

Anima's escape.

Mental Trauma

Haliax was recently betrayed by someone he considered an ally and a friend. The moment shook him and bothers him greatly, bringing out a more vengeful side he had never acted on.

Intellectual Characteristics

Dedicated to cataloging all knowledge, magical discoveries first and foremost. He will often forego his own safety to gain understanding of a new concept or piece of lore. Has a small paranoia streak, as his natural acuity of stitching together mathematical theorems manifests himself in stitching together unconnected social dynamics.

Morality & Philosophy

Haliax believes in helping those who need it who are in front of him, but does not see himself as a heroic person as his personal goal is not to help or save people.


Dangerous, forbidden arcana. Lichdom, Subversion of Life.

Personality Characteristics


Knowledge. To learn as much as there is to learn and one day innovate and create and record knowledge and magic never before seen.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Has a knack for deciphering concepts and putting together info.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Books, Friends Dislikes: Traitors, Abuse of Arcane Power

Virtues & Personality perks

Knowledgeable about many disparate topics.

Vices & Personality flaws

Socially inarticulate and inexperienced.

Personality Quirks

Will stumble over his words and stutter sometimes.




Contacts & Relations

The Guilds, Minds Eye and Wolves   Party mates   Yasnah Kholin

Family Ties

Mother and Father, Egwayne Lockless and Arlidax Stormblessed

Religious Views

Acknowledges the gods as existent and good but is too busy to pray most of the time

Social Aptitude



Shuffles a lot. Doesn't make a lot of eye contact. Twiddles fingers.

Hobbies & Pets

No pets. MAGIC.


Stumbling and stuttery but can mumble very well

Nerdy dorf wizard

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Current Residence
Wolves Tavern or Hometown of Silnestad
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Dwarf, Primordial, Math.

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