
Eldrick remember when you are in Gaullium the Duke is to receive the same respect as King Daivihd or Queen Amsarill.
— Sergei to his apprentice.


The only qualifications required, are to be a member of the ruling family and sixteen years of age or older. There have been those who were inaugurated into the rank at an earlier age with the power being wielded by proxy until they have reached the required age.


The current heir to the throne of the Duchess is Bethany "Beth". She has spent the last two years in Royal Palace of Herigmark meeting possible suitors, all of whom she has rejected to date. Her father wants her to find a "husband" but she isn't interested in men.


To be eligable for the rank they must be a direct decendant of the previous Duke. If there are no direct decendants then the next closest living relative takes over in the position. They must be at least sixteen years of age or older and have spent at least a year in another kingdom or nation learning about the culture and looking for a spouse, or potential spouse.


When a ruling Duke/Duchess passes away their heir must spend twenty-four hours in mourning and preparation before they can call upon the local Druid to present the last rights and confirmation of the new Duke/Duchess. This is done through a ritual to ensure the bloodline is unbroken and the new Duke/Duchess meets the requirements.


The duties of being a Duke/Duchess are to ensure that your people are not going without during times of crisis


Due to the position it is easier to create treaties with other nations through marriage. This is also a way to gain influence within the Druid Order, since the spouse of the Duke/Duchess would be a Druid and thus there would always be a Druid within the walls of the Capital Gaullenium.   The Duke recieves a healthy stipend from the collection of taxes and tarrifs.   The Duke/Duchess controls how the legal system works, therefore can condemn a criminal to hard labour in the mines or confinement within the prison system. Crimes which warrant death are always sent to mines for the rest of their natural life.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The two most effective ways to remove the current Duke/Duchess are natural death or assassination. Assassination though it would be effective would not be the smartest move since the assassin's life would then be forfeit in return.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
His Greatness, Her Greatness, Your Eminence.
Alternative Naming
Grand Duke/Duchess
Equates to

The Duke or Duchess of Guallium is equivelant to the King or Queen of another nation. The original settlers didn't want a King or Queen as it seemed to equate absolute power over the people.

Source of Authority
A druid must be present for the "crowning" of the new Duke/Duchess.
Length of Term
Once you have been entitled the term is for the rest of your life, however long or short that may be.
Related Locations
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Aug 18, 2024 12:16 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

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