Mirror Words

amaM reaD;
txen eht in sirrenaT ot gnimoc I .rehto hcae nees evah ew ecnis sraey wef a neeb sah ti esuaceb uoy ot rettel siht gnitirw ma I. ekil dluow I .em gnimoc eb lliw ohw nam lufrednow a ot degagne ma I .uoy htiw emit dneps ot ekil dluow dna ssenisub no keew .teem ot uoy fo owt eht   rethguad gnivol ruoY,   assileM.
  To whom it may concern;   I am sorry but I could not understand your letter. I hope this was not a prank to a lonely old lady.   Jemma  
  The above correspondence was sent to the House of Healing by Tamlin. It is an example of how mirror words can affect one's mind. Melissa believed she was writing correctly to her mother while what her mother actually received was unintelligible to her. We still haven't figured out the cause for this condition due to its rarety. Jemma and her daughter did meet up and had a lovely time together. They reconnected as a family and learned to compensate for the mirror words. This condition used to be much more prevelant then it vanished. We believe it may be environmental in origin but need to perform more testing. Three hundred years ago it ran rampant through Corrigenda affecting one in three people on average. The only human kingdom to not be affected by this condition was Gaullium. Melissa has agreed to letting the healer community study her body after death to see if we can determine the cause. Her husband would much rather have her funerary rights, but he was overruled by her and her mother.
— A letter and response between a mother and her daughter used Henry for teaching purposes in the House of Healing.

Transmission & Vectors

Mirror words is transmitted through contaminated food. The parasite Vencalailum lays eggs in raw meat that when cooked causes a slight mutation. Once the meat and eggs are eaten the larval parasites hatch in the stomach. They then make their way through the stomach wall into the bloodstream and thus into the brain of victim.


When the larval Vencalailum enter the brain they rewire the host's perception filters. The more larva that enter the brain the greater the changes. As the larva grow the damage becomes more severe.


The early signs are letters getting mixed up in single words here and there. As it progresses the words start to reverse. The last stage is total reversal of the words.

Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species


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Aug 6, 2024 14:19 by Adrian Waite

The unawareness of the illness makes this dark. When your communication is unintelligible to everyone but you. Simple but with a heavy impact. I like.

It's Gravy Time!!
Aug 10, 2024 03:50 by Brianna Siobhan Healey

Thank you

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